Dante of the Deep Forest

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Dante of the Deep Forest
Colonel Mustang's forces almost cause a massacre.
Colonel Mustang's forces almost cause a massacre.
Episode Length: 24 minutes
Episode Code: 32
Episode Airdate: 2004-05-15

"Dante of the Deep Forest" (「深い森のダンテ」 Fukai Mori no Dante?) is episode 32 of the Fullmetal Alchemist TV series originally aired 2004-05-15.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Edward and Alphonse battle Wrath, who wants the rest of Ed's body to make himself human. Izumi interrupts the fight by separating the combatants with a deep chasm. Wrath runs off; Ed and Al pursue, but are turned away by the appearance of the Führer (Envy in disguise) and his secretary (Sloth).

While Colonel Mustang's forces are searching for Scar at the Ishbalan refugee camp, Lust kills ex-Lt. Yoki (by using her lightning-quick finger-lances to imitate gunshot wounds), almost creating a riot and a massacre. Mustang is forced to use his skills with fire to keep the situation from getting out of hand.

Izumi severs her teacher/student relationship with Ed and Al, which they initially misinterpret as a banishment. Realizing that they are now free to start a new relationship with Izumi as peers, they convince Izumi that sharing the burdens of their collective sins is for the best. Izumi sends the Elric brothers to see her teacher, an elderly woman named Dante. They discover that Lyra, the alchemist who used to work for Yoki, is now Dante's apprentice.

Greed discovers that Ed and Al are visiting Dante, an "old friend" of his he had himself planned to visit. Greed beats Ed silly in a fight (with a bit of help from Kimbley) while his associates seize Dante and threaten to kill her if Alphonse refuses to leave--in their custody.

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