Danilo Astori
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Danilo Astori (born 23 April 1940) is a Uruguayan social democratic politician and current Finance Minister of Uruguay. He is the main leader of the Asamblea Uruguay party, which is part of the ruling centre-left coalition Broad Front.
He ran for vicepresident in 1989 elections with Líber Seregni as presidential candidate, obtaining the third place with 23% of votes.
Before the 2004 elections, Astori was announced to become Finance Minister if Frente Amplio won. This is said to have turned centrist voters to choose the Broad Front [1], and the coalition received 51.7% of votes.
Astori has followed a fiscal conservative policy, but allowing increases in welfare, education and health care spendings. He has been a supporter of trade pacts with the United States, the European Union, the People's Republic of China and India, with the Chilean "open regionalism" as a model. [2]