Daniel Filmus
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Daniel Fernando Filmus is an Argentine politician and academic, currently Secretary of Education, Science and Technology in the government of President Néstor Kirchner.
Born in Buenos Aires, June 3rd 1955, Filmus was briefly involved in the Communist youth wing as a teenager. He studied psychology and sociology at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and became involved in peronist politics. He helped to set up a permanent assembly on human rights at UBA, as a student union activist. He gained a masters in Education at the Universidade Federal Fluminense in Rio de Janeiro.
Filmus headed the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Flacso) and became an academic in the field of education, writing several books. He entered public service as deputy minister of education to Carlos Grosso (he was involved in the "escuela shopping" affair, when that goverment sold a school in order to make a shopping mall) and in the mid 1990s assisted the minister Susana Decibe. In 2000, he became minister of education of the city of Buenos Aires under Aníbal Ibarra, who asked him to be his running mate in the 2003 elections [1]. However before the election took place, President Kirchner asked Filmus to become minister of education. He is also Professor of Sociology at UBA. Filmus has announced his candidacy for mayor of Buenos Aires.