Daniel Dahm
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Johannes Daniel Dahm (*born 1969 at Cologne) is a German geographer and ecologist.
As a transdisciplinary scientist he works in the fields of sustainability and development research, ecological economics and ecological creation of values, future of work, plurality and diversity of life complexes.
Questions concerning new and sustainable lifestyles and models of wealth, human-nature-relations, co-actions between diversity, life complexes and sustainable socio-economies taking centre stage in his work.
[edit] Path
From 1997 until 2005 he was member of Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy and worked closely together with the economist and former member of the German Council of Economic Experts Prof. Dr. Gerhard Scherhorn.
In the year 2000 he awarded the Kapp-Research Award for Ecological Economics, granted by the German Association for Ecological Economics (V.Ö.Ö.) and the Schweisfurth-Foundation.
The geographer Daniel Dahm earned his doctorate 2003 at the University of Cologne with his dissertation "Sustainable lifestyles – urban subsistence for higher quality of life" dealing with the interplay between sustainable lifestyles, non-monetary economies and civil society.
At the Institute for Household- and Consumer Economics at University of Hohenheim he was until 2004 project leader in the research project "Urban subsistence as urban infrastructure" . As well he is lecturer at the Institute for Social Anthropology at the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg.
2005 he composed together with the quantum physicist Hans-Peter Dürr and the philosopher Rudolf zur Lippe the Potsdam Manifesto "We have to learn to think in a new way" and the Potsdam Denkschrift, carried by the Federation of German Scientists.
Recently he is a fellow at the Natural History Museum London to the interplay of diversity and plurality of life complexes.
[edit] Selected publications
- Dahm, D. (1999): Desertifikation in The Gambia. Wohlstandskriterien und Wirtschaftsstrategien im oekologischen Konflikt. Cologne.
- Dahm, D.; Rabinovitch, J.; Scherhorn, G.; Schoene, B. (1999): Subsistenz – der unbekannte Teil der Wirtschaft. In: Future, Nr. 3, 1999. Schiltigheim.
- Dahm, D. (2000): Westliche Werte in Afrika oder afrikanische Werte im Westen? In: Jenseits des Wachstums, Politische Oekologie Nr. 66, 2000. Munich.
- Dahm, D. (2003): Zukunftsfaehige Lebensstile – Staedtische Subsistenz für mehr Lebensqualitaet. Cologne.
- Dahm, D. (2004): Oekonomie der Zivilgesellschaft. Zukuenfte, Nr. 47, Summer 2004. Berlin.
- Dahm, D. (2005): Soziales Kapital ist Gemeinsamkeit. Zukuenfte, Nr. 49, Spring 2005. Berlin.
- Dahm, D., Duerr, H.-P., zur Lippe, R. (2005): Potsdam Manifesto 2005 “We have to learn to think in a new way” & Potsdam Denkschrift 2005. Berlin, Oekom. Munich.
- Dahm, D. (2006): Zivile Keimzellen der Halbtagsgesellschaft – Potentiale Buergerschaftlicher Einrichtungen. In: Stahmer, C.; Hartard, S.; Schaffer, A. (2006): Die Halbtagsgesellschaft – Konkrete Utopie für eine zukunftsfaehige Gesellschaft. Nomos. Baden-Baden.
- Dahm, J. D., Duerr, H.-P., zur Lippe, R. (2007): Global Justice, Equality and World Domestic Policy – The Potsdam Manifesto. In: Global Marshall Plan Initiative (2007): Towards a World in Balance. Hamburg.
[edit] External links
- Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
- "Sustainable Lifestyles - Urban Subsistence for higher Life Quality"
- "Urban Subsistence as Urban Infrastructure"
- Natural History Museum London
- Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
- Actual informations and downloads towards Potsdam Manifesto and Potsdam Denkschrift (selected press review, criticism, commentaries and additions, list of signees).