Dan Pagis

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Dan Pagis' poem at the Konzentrationslager Belzec victims memorial
Dan Pagis' poem at the Konzentrationslager Belzec victims memorial

Dan Pagis (1930 - 1986) was an Israeli poet and lecturer.

Born in Bukovina in Eastern Europe, as a child he was imprisoned in a concentration camp in Ukraine, but escaped in 1944. In 1946 he arrived safely in Israel. Eventually he taught Medieval Hebrew Literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

His first published book of poetry was Sheon ha-Tsel ("The Shadow Clock") in 1959. In 1970 he published a major work entitled Gilgul - which may be translated as "Revolution, cycle, transformation, metamorphosis, metempsychosis," etc. Other poems include: "Written in Pencil in the Sealed Railway-Car," "Testimony, "Europe, Late," "Autobiography," and "Draft of a Reparations Agreement."

Pagis knew many languages, and translated multiple works of literature throughout his lifetime.

[edit] Book

The Modern Hebrew Poem Itself (2003), ISBN 0-8143-2485-1

In other languages