Dalek I Love You

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Dalek I Love You
Dalek I Love You

Dalek I Love You were a synth pop group from Liverpool.


[edit] History

The band was formed in Liverpool in 1977 by Alan Gill (Vocals, Guitar) and David Balfe (Bass, Keyboards). The name came about as a result of a compromise between the two members: Balfe wanted to call the band Dalek (after the Doctor Who villains) and Gill wanted to call the band Darling, I Love You.

In 1978, Balfe left the group to join Big in Japan and later The Teardrop Explodes. The line-up fluctuated over the next few years and band members included: Kenny Peers, Chris Hughes, Dave Hughes, Martin Cooper and, for a brief time, Andy McCluskey (the latter three would later be bandmates in OMD).

Compass Kumpas CD Release
Compass Kumpas CD Release

The band was finally pared down to just Gill and Dave Hughes by the time they released their debut album Compass Kumpas in 1980 on the Phonogram label. Soon after the album's release, the band went on hiatus.

Gill proceeded to join Balfe in The Teardrop Explodes in July of 1980. Gill co-wrote their most successful single, Reward. His stay with the band was short-lived however, and by 1981 he reformed Dalek I Love You.

In 1981 they released a single "Heartbeat" backed with the "Astronauts (Have Landed On The Moon)" (Back Door DOOR 10). At this point the line up was Alan Gill, Chuca Russo, Hugh Jones & Merrick.

By 1983 the band consisted of Alan Gill, Gordon Hon, Kenny Peers and Keith Hartley. They released an eponymously titled album in November of 1983.

In 1985, the band released the cassette only Naive, and effectively called it a day shortly afterwards, although Gill did release a single under the Dalek moniker in 1990.

At various points in their existence the band was also known as Dalek I. Record executives at Phonogram shortened the band's name without telling them for the "Freedom Fighters" single.

According to Julian Cope, Alan Gill was arrested and put in jail for 18 months for being a drug dealer. His defense was that he gave most of the drugs away.[1]

The second album is being rereleased on CD by Korova 2nd April 2007. The first album remains unavailable on CD.

[edit] In Popular Culture

The band inspired the title of Dalek I Love You, a radio drama which premiered on the British digital radio station BBC 7 on 11th February, 2006. The story centred on a man obsessed with Doctor Who who falls in love at a science fiction convention.

[edit] Albums

[edit] References

  Cope, Julian. Drudical Q&A: Cope Musicians & Cohorts. Retrieved 2005-12-22.

[edit] Audio sample

[edit] External links