Dale Smith (The Bill)

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Dale Smith
Alex Walkinshaw as Sergeant Dale Smith
First appearance Taxed (20/07/1999)
Last appearance N/A
Cause/Reason N/A
Occupation Police Officer
Title Sergeant
Relationships None
Portrayed by Alex Walkinshaw

Sergeant Dale "Smithy" Smith is a popular character in the ITV series The Bill. He is played by Alex Walkinshaw. His callsign is '54'.

[edit] The PC Years

Dale Smith first arrived at Sun Hill, as an ambitious PC, in 1999. He was, and still is, referred to as "Smithy". Smithy was unpopular with most of his superior officers, mainly because he wanted to catch criminals and had no respect for political correctness, although he was anti-racist.

But Smithy struck up a friendship with Sgt. Bob Cryer. Cryer persuaded him to pursue his ambition to become an armed police officer. Ironically Cryer's career subsequently ended when Smithy accidentally shot him. Cryer did not bear any malice, but corrupt Sun Hill Boss Superintendent Tom Chandler seized on the opportunity to have Smithy and Cryer removed from Duty.

[edit] Smithy as a Sergeant

Smithy returned as the new Sergeant following the death of Sergeant Matthew Boyden.

Upon his return he began flirtations with PC Kerry Young.

Dangerous Liaisons

Smithy started having a relationship, in 2005, with Louise Larson, the wife of dangerous and violent gangster, Pete Larson.

Things came to a head in the episode of the 27 October 2005, when the relief were searching the Larson house for a gun, while Larson was being questioned by the Police; however, Sun Hill Police were unable to hold him any longer, and he had to be released. When Larson arrived back home - unexpected by his wife and her lover - Smithy was trapped inside.

Despite several warnings from his colleagues, Smithy realised that if he were able to find the gun, Larson would be imprisoned, and he and Louise could be together.

Unfortunately, when Louise tried to alert Smithy with a text message that the coast was clear for him to escape, Larson discovered him and the fact that he was having an affair with his wife.

Larson proceeded to beat Smithy up, forced him into the boot of a car and drove him to an empty warehouse. Here, he attempted to shoot the Police Officer, but SO19 arrived just in time, and Smithy survived.

His and Louise's relationship was doomed, however. Evidence incriminated her, as Larson had made her sign documents for money laundering. She was unwilling to testify against her husband though. Louise then broke off her relationship with Smithy, leaving him heart-broken.

Smithy, however, managed to change her mind about testifying, but this would mean she had to go into Witness Protection, and would never be able to see Smithy again. Not liking this prospect, Smithy promised to quit his job in the Police Force, so they could run away to Australia together and go into hiding there, after the trial was over.

This never happened though, as in the 25 January 2006 episode, Louise Larson was killed in a hit and run, weeks before she and Smithy were due to start their new life together.

Smithy had earlier been kidnapped and forced to drink alcohol (most probably drugged); he was later found slumped across the wheel of his car, which forensic evidence confirmed was the car that had killed Louise.

While being interviewed by Barton Street officers, Smithy realised he couldn't remember a thing and was convinced he had been drugged, and then framed. When a witness came formed, named Carl Caplin, he identified Smithy as the driver, and Smithy was arrested.

He was put on remand, while his friends and colleagues at Sun Hill tried to find the evidence to prove his innocence. He couldn't stop policing even on the inside though, and tried to sort out the problems between his fellow prisoners.

Smithy was refused bail to attend Louise's funeral.

Meanwhile, the pressure finally got too much for Caplin; he admitted to lying, due to an attempt to solve his debt problems. Larson had given him a loan in exchange for saying he saw Smithy at the wheel of the car that killed Louise.

Later that day, a devastated Smithy was able to leave Longmarsh Prison, with his confidante, Inspector Gina Gold. They went to Louise's grave, where he broke down, unable to conceal his grief any longer.

He later returned to his job at Sun Hill. Smithy is not seeing TDC Kezia Walkerany more because he dumped her

Preceded by
Sgt. Matthew Boyden
Sun Hill Sergeant
Succeeded by