D class destroyer (1913)

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The D class of 1913 was a heterogeneous group of torpedo boat destroyers (TBDs) built for the Royal Navy in the mid-1890s. They were constructed to the individual designs of their builder, J I Thornycroft of Chiswick, to meet Admiralty specifications. The uniting feature of the class was a top speed of 30 knots and that they all had two funnels. In 1913 all "30 knotter" vessels with 2 funnels being classified by the Admiralty as the D class to provide some system to the naming of HM destroyers. All vessels had a distinctive "turtleback" forecastle that was intended to clear water from the bow, but actually tended to dig the bow in to anything of a sea, resulting in a very wet conning position. They were better constructed than their A thru C class forebearers, but still were poor seaboats unable to reach top speed in anything but perfect conditions.

They generally displaced 355 to 370 tons and had a length of 210 feet. All were powered by triple expansion steam engines for 5,800 shp and had coal-fired water-tube boilers. Armament was one QF 12 pounder on a bandstand on the forecastle, five QF 6 pounder (two sided abreast the conning tower, two sided between the funnels and one on the quarterdeck) and 2 single tubes for 18 inch torpedoes.

[edit] Ships

ex-Angler class;

  • Angler, completed 1896, built by J I Thornycroft, Chiswick, broken up 1920
  • Ariel, completed 1897, built by J I Thornycroft, Chiswick, wrecked off Malta 1907

ex-Coquette class;

  • Coquette, completed 1897, built by J I Thornycroft, Chiswick, mined and sunk in North Sea, March 7, 1916
  • Cynthia, completed 1898, built by J I Thornycroft, Chiswick, broken up 1920
  • Cygnet, completed 1898, built by J I Thornycroft, Chiswick , broken up 1920

ex-Desperate class;

  • Desperate, completed 1895, built by J I Thornycroft, Chiswick, broken up 1921
  • Fame, completed 1896, built by J I Thornycroft, Chiswick, broken up 1920
  • Foam, completed 1896, built by J I Thornycroft, Chiswick, broken up 1920
  • Mallard, completed 1896, built by J I Thornycroft, Chiswick, broken up 1920

ex-Stag special type;

  • Stag, completed 1899, built by J I Thornycroft, Chiswick, broken up 1921

[edit] Bibliography

  • Destroyers of the Royal Navy, 1893-1981, Maurice Cocker, 1983, Ian Allan ISBN 0-7110-1075-7