Czech legislative election, 2006

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Czech Republic

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An election to the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic took place on 2 June and 3 June 2006.

The pre-election campaign was fierce and mostly negative. A major scandal broke out few days before the election. The two largest parties had profited from the divisive campaign - both had obtained the highest percentage of votes ever. Turnout of otherwise apathetic Czech voters was increased, compared to previous parliament election.

The election has produced an evenly balanced result. One potential coalition -- the Civic Democratics (ODS), Christian Democrats (KDU-ČSL) and Greens (SZ) -- took 100 seats, exactly half. The Social Democrats (ČSSD) and Communists (KSČM) comprised the other half of the chamber, making the possibility of a minority Social Democratic government supported by the Communists equally problematic. This suggests that forming a stable government that will last four years will be difficult.

As of July 2006 there has been no progress in forming the new government and possibility of fresh election is growing.


[edit] Pre-election scandal

Couple of weeks before the election police officer Jan Kubice, head of the squad for uncovering organised crime, hinted that highest members of police and the government are trying to cover up their cooperation with organised crime. He was summoned before parliament commission few days before the election where he presented a document; contents of the document immediately leaked out.

The document suggested that former prime minister Stanislav Gross had a connection with criminal underground and hinted that current prime minister Jiří Paroubek is indirectly involved in a murder, deals with mafia and is pedophile. It also contained information about minor officials, some already imprisoned for suspicions of bribery.

Paroubek and the others had denied these claims and accused the opposition (ODS) of manufacturing the scandal to avoid election failure. After the election Paroubek said that the the scandal cost his party (ČSSD) victory and that democracy is in as much danger as in 1948 (when the Communists seized power). Initially, he planned to challenge the election result.

[edit] Chamber of Deputies

The Chamber of Deputies consists of 200 members elected for a four year term. Seats are allocated by proportional representation amongst those lists which have gained at least 5% of the national total of valid votes cast.

Party lists are presented in 14 regions. Votes are cast for a list but voters are allowed up to two preference votes for candidates on that list.

The Czech Republic has a parliamentary system of government, with ministers being responsible to the Chamber of Deputies. The Chamber is the most powerful organ of the state with power to override vetoes by the President and the Senate.

[edit] Results

The election produced a deadlock, leaving the all the coalitions which were considered likely before the election (Civic Democrats (ODS), Christian Democrats (KDU-ČSL) and Greens (SZ); Social Democrats (ČSSD) and Communists (KSČM); Social Democrats, Christian Democrats, and Greens) with less than the 101 votes necessary to pass legislation or to sustain the required confidence vote for the new cabinet in the Chamber of Deputies (100, 100 and 93 votes, respectively).

Possibilities at this point include a highly improbable grand coalition of the Civic Democrats and Social Democrats, which would command a powerful majority, adding up to 155 seats against 45; a minority cabinet of either of the 100-vote coalitions, which would have to be at least partly negotiated with the would-be opposition to get the majority required to approve it and pass any legislation; or a new call for fresh elections.

On 26 June, ODS, KDU-ČSL and SZ announced, that they have agreed on a coalition. Their government is expected to have 16 ministers: 10 from ODS, 3 from KDU-ČSL and 3 from SZ.

The coalition hoped to get the missing vote from ČSSD deputies. ČSSD, on the other hand, suggested to elect a temporary government until, new, premature election is hold. As of July 2006, the election of the chairman of the parliament is not concluded, blocking installation and then vote of confidence for the new government.

Major parties politicians had hinted the possibility to repeat the election, earliest on Autumn 2006. Voices suggesting that the switch to a majority representation is a way to avoid deadlocks like current one had appeared.

[discuss] – [edit]
Summary of the 2 and 3 June 2006 Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic election results
Parties and coalitions Votes % Seats
Civic Democratic Party (Občanská demokratická strana) 1,892,475 35.4 81
Czech Social Democratic Party (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) 1,728,827 32.3 74
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy) 685,328 12.8 26
Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťansko-demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová) 386,706 7.2 13
Green Party (Strana zelených) 336,487 6.3 6
SNK - European Democrats (SNK Evropští demokraté) 111,724 2.1 -
Total (turnout 64.5 %) 5,348,976   200
Source: Czech Statistical Office

[edit] Results for regions

[edit] Prague

Parties and coalitions Votes % Seats
Civic Democratic Party (Občanská demokratická strana) 317,224 48.3 14
Czech Social Democratic Party (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) 152,962 23.3 6
Green Party (Strana zelených) 60,384 9.2 2
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy) 51,925 7.9 2
Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťansko-demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová) 31,820 4.8 1
SNK - European Democrats (SNK Evropští demokraté) 23,386 3.6 -
Total (turnout 68.5%) 656,495   25

[edit] Central Bohemian Region

Parties and coalitions Votes % Seats
Civic Democratic Party (Občanská demokratická strana) 243,012 39.2 10
Czech Social Democratic Party (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) 190,607 30.7 8
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy) 79,964 12.9 2
Green Party (Strana zelených) 37,219 6.0 1
Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťansko-demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová) 30,207 4.9 1
SNK - European Democrats (SNK Evropští demokraté) 13,055 2.1 -
Total (turnout 66.0%) 620,047   23

[edit] South Bohemian Region

Parties and coalitions Votes % Seats
Civic Democratic Party (Občanská demokratická strana) 123 804 36.7 6
Czech Social Democratic Party (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) 102,833 30.5 4
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy) 45,099 13.4 2
Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťansko-demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová) 27,630 8.2 1
Green Party (Strana zelených) 19,924 5.9 -
Total (turnout 66.0%) 620,047   23

[edit] Plzeň Region

Parties and coalitions Votes % Seats
Civic Democratic Party (Občanská demokratická strana) 105,391 36.5 5
Czech Social Democratic Party (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) 91,606 31.7 4
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy) 40,578 14.0 2
Green Party (Strana zelených) 17,090 5.9 -
Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťansko-demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová) 16,338 5.7 -
Total (turnout 63.9%) 289,049   11

[edit] Karlovy Vary Region

Parties and coalitions Votes % Seats
Civic Democratic Party (Občanská demokratická strana) 49,189 35.9 2
Czech Social Democratic Party (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) 44,887 32.7 2
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy) 20,323 14.8 1
Green Party (Strana zelených) 9,206 6.7 -
Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťansko-demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová) 4,723 3.4 -
Total (turnout 56.5%) 137,117   5

[edit] Ústí nad Labem Region

Parties and coalitions Votes % Seats
Czech Social Democratic Party (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) 132,895 35.5 6
Civic Democratic Party (Občanská demokratická strana) 130,365 34.8 5
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy) 60,175 16.1 2
Green Party (Strana zelených) 22,616 6.0 1
Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťansko-demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová) 8,365 2.2 -
Total (turnout 57.2%) 374,736   14

[edit] Liberec Region

Parties and coalitions Votes % Seats
Civic Democratic Party (Občanská demokratická strana) 83,647 38.8 4
Czech Social Democratic Party (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) 63,181 29.3 3
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy) 24,823 11.5 1
Green Party (Strana zelených) 20,646 9.6 -
Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťansko-demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová) 9,131 4.2 -
Total (turnout 62.4%) 215,510   8

[edit] Hradec Králové Region

Parties and coalitions Votes % Seats
Civic Democratic Party (Občanská demokratická strana) 111,466 37.7 5
Czech Social Democratic Party (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) 89,204 30.1 4
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy) 89,204 11.5 1
Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťansko-demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová) 19,893 6.7 1
Green Party (Strana zelených) 19,819 6.7 -
SNK - European Democrats (SNK Evropští demokraté) 9,126 3.1 -
Total (turnout 66.7%) 295,931   11

[edit] Pardubice Region

Parties and coalitions Votes % Seats
Civic Democratic Party (Občanská demokratická strana) 91,113 33.3 4
Czech Social Democratic Party (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) 90,268 33.0 4
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy) 33,956 12.4 1
Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťansko-demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová) 24,023 8.8 1
Green Party (Strana zelených) 17,148 6.3 -
SNK - European Democrats (SNK Evropští demokraté) 6,641 2.4 -
Total (turnout 67.4%) 273,921   10

[edit] Vysočina Region

Parties and coalitions Votes % Seats
Czech Social Democratic Party (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) 97,568 35.4 4
Civic Democratic Party (Občanská demokratická strana) 76,393 27.7 3
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy) 40,480 14.7 2
Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťansko-demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová) 33,587 12.2 1
Green Party (Strana zelených) 13,514 4.9 -
SNK - European Democrats (SNK Evropští demokraté) 5,525 2.0 -
Total (turnout 67.6%) 275,997   10

[edit] South Moravian Region

Parties and coalitions Votes % Seats
Czech Social Democratic Party (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) 200,619 33.0 8
Civic Democratic Party (Občanská demokratická strana) 186,779 30.7 8
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy) 83,687 13.7 3
Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťansko-demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová) 67,865 11.1 3
Green Party (Strana zelených) 37,771 6.2 1
Total (turnout 65.3%) 608,804   23

[edit] Olomouc Region

Parties and coalitions Votes % Seats
Czech Social Democratic Party (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) 118,334 35.4 5
Civic Democratic Party (Občanská demokratická strana) 101,151 30.3 4
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy) 49,026 14.7 2
Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťansko-demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová) 27,609 8.3 1
Green Party (Strana zelených) 18,398 5.5 -
Total (turnout 64.5%) 333,849   12

[edit] Zlín Region

Parties and coalitions Votes % Seats
Czech Social Democratic Party (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) 106,481 33.3 5
Civic Democratic Party (Občanská demokratická strana) 101,376 31.7 4
Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťansko-demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová) 41,663 13.0 2
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy) 35,998 11.3 1
Green Party (Strana zelených) 16,224 5.1 -
Total (turnout 66.9%) 319,933   12

[edit] Moravian-Silesian Region

Parties and coalitions Votes % Seats
Czech Social Democratic Party (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) 247,382 40.5 11
Civic Democratic Party (Občanská demokratická strana) 171,565 28.1 7
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy) 85,201 14.0 3
Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťansko-demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová) 43,852 7.2 1
Green Party (Strana zelených) 26,528 4.3 1
Total (turnout 61.0%) 610,200   23

[edit] Results of the previous election

[discuss] – [edit]
Summary of the 14 and 15 June 2002 Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic election results
Parties and coalitions Votes % Seats
Czech Social Democratic Party (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) 1,440,279 30.2 70
Civic Democratic Party (Občanská demokratická strana) 1,166,975 24.5 58
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy) 882,653 18.5 41
Coalition (Koalice) Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party (Křesťansko-demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová) 680,671 14.3 22
Freedom Union-Democratic Union (Unie svobody - Demokratická unie) 9
Union of Independents (Sdružení nezávislých kandidátů) 132,699 2.8 -
Green Party (Strana zelených) 112,929 2.4 -
Republicans of Miroslav Sládek (Republikáni Miroslava Sládka) 46,325 1.0 -
Total (turnout 58.0%)   200
Source: Český statistický úřad

[edit] External links

Elections in the Czech Republic
Chamber of Deputies (*ČNR)  1990* 1992* 1996 1998 2002 2006
Senate 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006
European Parliament 2004
Regional Councils 2000 2004
Municipal Councils  1990 1994 1998 2002 2006
In other languages