Cynric of Wessex

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Cynric of Wessex (Cynric means roughly 'Royal Ruler') ruled as king of Wessex from 534 to 560. He was son of Creoda (who presumably died in his father's lifetime), himself son of Cerdic. Among the few statements made about his life were that he captured Searobyrig or Old Sarum, near Salisbury, in 552, and that in 556 he and his son Ceawlin won a battle against the Britons at Beranburh, now identified as Barbury Camp.

In the 2004 film King Arthur, Cerdic and Cynric were depicted as Saxon invaders, and were killed, respectively, by Arthur and Lancelot at the Battle of Badon Hill (Mons Badonicus).

Regnal Titles
Preceded by
King of Wessex
Succeeded by
Ceawlin of Wessex