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The image does not display correctly on my work computer.-Hyacinth 18:55, 12 Mar 2004 (UTC)

What is this article about? A clearer intro would help. Zocky 23:44, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)

I am interested in this area but after doing some quick research i am unsure how well established and accepted cymatics is within the wider scientific world. It is not linked to any other well known areas of study and therefor does not contextualise itself. Sites on the www which talk about it appear to be more spiritual and mystical than scientific, can anyone resolve this?

I have heard that clinical trials have, in fact, been run that show that cymatics has helped to restore people's natural healthy processes. I don't have references here, but maybe has something. Certainly there's a large body of annecdotal evidence to back holistic cymatics.

[edit] Standing waves

This is a nice example of a standing wave. There is no magic here, no abrakadabra healing. Just physics, beautiful physics if I might say. :) Endimion17, 22:37, 8 November 2006 (UTC)