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The lines: "Most modern drives have a surplus space that doesn't make a cylinder boundary. Each partition should always start and end at a cylinder boundary. Only some of the most modern OSs may disregard this rule, but this can cause some compatibility problems, especially if the user wants to boots up to more than one OS on the same drive."

...seem a bit out of place, because there's a section on IDE drives immediately following.

It is talking about IDE drives, when it says "most modern drives," ...right?

I don't understand about the "surplus space"- doesn't Zone Bit Recording take care of that?

Or is it that, even under ZBR, there's a little bit of extra space on each cylinder?

Doesn't ZBR make the cylinder completely transparent, and you're basically just addressing sectors? How would a program know where the cylinder boundary is, since each cylinder has a different number of sectors?


"Only some of the most modern operating systems"??? Hasn't Linux always (i.e., for 15 years, as of 2006) allowed any kind of partition boundaries?

[edit] Two heads/platter: Not always!

I'm aware of drives (the current 5200RPM Hitachi 2.5" drives) some of which have an odd number of heads (the 20GB drive has one platter with one head, the 60GB drive has two platters with three heads). I suspect that this is rather common.