Cyber Groove

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A screenshot of Cyber Groove's gameplay screen.
A screenshot of Cyber Groove's gameplay screen.

Cyber Groove is a Taiwanese dancing game, by Front Fareast Industrial Corporation, played on a Microsoft Windows computer. It can be played on either the keyboard or a dance pad.


[edit] Game play

Gameplay is similar to Dance Dance Revolution. Arrows (up, down, left and right) scroll from bottom to top. The player must step on the corresponding arrow when it reaches the top of the screen, where stationary arrows (referred to as the Step Zone in DDR terminology) are located. Also available for play is the Together Mode, where two players play on the same pad. All eight directional arrows are used in this mode, causing both players to move in a synchronized pattern.

[edit] Cyber Groove Dance Pad

The game pad is a USB-only pad with 10 "panels": up, down, left and right arrows, along with a circle in the up-left position, an X in the up-right position, a square in the bottom-left position, and a triangle in the bottom-right position. It also has Escape (ESC) and pause buttons that when pressed simultaneously exit the game. This may or may not be a reference to Dance Dance Revolution's use of the START and SELECT buttons on the DDR Pad that restart the game when pressed simultaneously.

[edit] Minimum System Requirements

[edit] See also

[edit] External links