Currency swap

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Foreign Exchange

Exchange Rates
Currency band
Exchange rate
Exchange rate regime
Fixed exchange rate
Floating exchange rate
Linked exchange rate

Foreign exchange market
Futures exchange

Currency future
Forex swap
Currency swap
Foreign exchange option

See also
Bureau de Change

A currency swap is a foreign exchange agreement between two parties to exchange a given amount of one currency for another and, after a specified period of time, to give back the original amounts swapped.

Currency swaps can be negotiated for a variety of maturities up to at least 10 years. Unlike a back-to-back loan, a currency swap is not considered to be a loan by United States accounting laws and thus it is not reflected on a company's balance sheet. A swap is considered to be a foreign exchange transaction (short leg) plus an obligation to close the swap (far leg) being a forward contract.

Currency swaps are often combined with interest rate swaps. For example, one company would seek to swap a cash flow for their fixed rate debt denominated in US dollars for a floating-rate debt denominated in Euro. This is especially common in Europe where companies "shop" for the cheapest debt regardless of its denomination and then seek to exchange it for the debt in desired currency.

  Financial derivatives  
Vanilla Types: Option styles | Call | Put | Warrants | Fixed income | Employee stock option | FX
Strategies: Covered calls | Naked puts | Bear Call Spread | Bear Put Spread | Bull Call Spread | Bull Put Spread | Calendar spread | Straddle | Long Straddle | Long Strangle | Butterfly | Short Butterfly Spread | Short Straddle | Short Strangle | Vertical spread | Volatility arbitrage | Debit Spread | Credit spread | Synthetic
Exotics: Asian | Lookbacks | Barrier | Binary | Swaptions | Mountain range
Valuation: Moneyness | Option time value | Black-Scholes | Black | Binomial | Stochastic volatility | Implied volatility
See Also: CBOE | Derivatives market | Option Screeners | Option strategies
Interest rate | Total return | Equity | Credit default | Forex | Cross-currency | Constant maturity | Basis | Variance
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