
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Curation is the action of curing, healing, or caring for. In English law, a guardianship. A "Bond of Curation" is a document guaranteeing proper performance of guardianship until a minor heir reaches full age.

Curation is the process of identification and organization of artworks or museum objects in a collection in order to further knowledge. It includes verification and additions to the existing documentation for objects. Curators, according to a Bureau of Labor Statistics web page:

…direct the acquisition, storage, and exhibition of collections, including negotiating and authorizing the purchase, sale, exchange, or loan of collections.[1]

The process of examining, testing and selecting information to go in a collection database. Typically this adds considerably to the value of a database, but is very labor intensive. Axiope is concerned with alternative ways to achieve an equally good result.[2]

[edit] Notes

curation. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary. MICRA, Inc. (accessed: 27 March 2007). curation., Oxford University Press, Ltd. (accessed: 27 March 2007).

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[edit] See also