User talk:Cultdoctor

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Date : Thu, 22 May 2003 16:58:52 GMT

1 - ASTRAL PROJECTION - Another term is out of body experience. Practiced first by Hindu's, now very big in new age circles. 2 - AUTOMATIC WRITING -An occult practice of allowing a spirit(demon) to communicate with you 3 - MATERIALIZATION - Usually associated with a spirit(demon) materializing at a seance 4 - SPIRIT GUIDES - A new age term for an old practice, communing with demons for advice 5 - ROD/PENDULUM (DOWSING) - Searching for underground water or other objects;is also called water witching 6 - MENTAL MANIPULATIONS/SWAP MINDS - An occult practice of attempting to control others minds, and location of consciousness 7 - BLACK & WHITE MAGIC- There is no difference between either ,except in the minds of the practitioners. All magic is condemned in the Bible 8 - NEW AGE MEDICINE - The mixing of traditional medicine with occult practices 9 - INCUBI & SUBBUBI - Sex with demons 10 - CHRISTIAN SCIENCE - Started with Mary Bakker Eddy,it attempts to fight illness with the mind. Her mentor was P.P.Quimby, who was involved with the occult. Their sacred book is science and health and is hopelessly confused, due to her lack of education, and lack of medical knowledge. She herself was ill until her death. 11 - UNITY CHURCH - Founders Charles & Myrtle Fillmore. Beliefs: To remove illness from oneself, one must outgrow mental disequilibrium, by acknowledging their inner divinity; a thought that comes from eastern religions 12 - THE WAY INTL. - Founder Victor Paul Wierwille. Looks like a Christian church but denies key doctrines, such as the Divinity of Christ. Llisted as a cult 13 - UNIFICATION CHURCH - Founder Sun Myung Moon. Denies the diety of Christ and other key doctrines 14 - JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES - Cult denies the Diety of Christ and other key doctrines. See this forum for more info 15 - SWEDENBORGIANISM - Founder Emanuel Swedenborg. Scientist, mystic, religious philosopher, son of a Lutheran minister. He introduced all manner of occult practices into his religion. He denied most of the key Christian doctrines 16 - MASONS -Group of men in a lodge. Many occult symbols and rituals. See the mason response on the forum 17 - THE FORUM(EST) - Founder Werner Erhard. People pay $525 for 4 -16 hr. sessions to learn on how to transform your conciousness. Occult practices and the denial of most key Christian doctrine is the foundation of this group 18 - SPIRIT WORSHIP - Found in Africa and China mostly, it is actually the worship of demons 19 - 7th DAY ADVENTIST - Founder Ellen G.White. Started as a group predicting the end of the world and lead by William Miller. When the day passed (Oct.22, 1844), a new day was given and that too failed. After this , Miller stepped down and E.G.White took control, writing keys to the scriptures where she introduced many false doctrines, and proclaimed herself a prophetess. Keys To The Scriptures contain errors of fact and doctrine. As with all cults, they start with an all powerful leader, and claim to be the only way. There are non cultic believers in the movement 20 - HARE KRISHNA - Basically a form of the Hindu religion mixed with new age beliefs 21 - Bhaism - A religion started to merge all religions into one. Their belief is that all religions are the same (all ways to God). If one takes the time to study the doctrine of each religion you will find how ludicrous that is .Each promotes totally different ways to God. 22 - ROSICRUCIANISM - Founder J.V.Andrea - Christian Rosencreutz. Occult religion. Uses ancient Egyptian mystery schools teachings resulting in possession and spirit conjuration 23 - SCIENTOLOGY - Founder L.Ron Hubbard. Formerly a science fiction writer. Started a non -Christian cult that charges exorbitant fees to free you from negative engrams ??? They use an e-meter to determine this. Hubbard was once overheard in his pre-scientology days saying the way to make money is not writing but to start a religion . Caught in the 1980's breaking into goverment buildings. 24 - TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION - An eastern religious practice, which opens the mind to demonic activity 25 - HINDUISM - An eastern religion that worships millions of gods (demons). Salvation is achieved by re-emergence into the impersonal force that is god, in effect merged with the universe. Doctrines such as karma, and untouchables make assistance from others unlikely, and life a misery. See India for example 26 - ECHKANKAR- Founder John Paul Twitchell. Belief in 11 astral planes, and out of body experience. Also access to spirit masters (demons). Every christian doctrine is denied 27 - FOUNDATION FOR HUMAN UNDERSTANDING - Founder Roy Masters. Belief in meditation. Wrote How You Can Keep Your Mind Well. No devotion to Jesus. Salvation is not dependent on a diety. Denies most christian doctrines 28 - SILVA MIND CONTROL - The name should be enough to scare many away. Lectures on how to use your mind to do anything. Many occult practices 29 - FATHER DIVINE - African American who led a cult in 1930's; dead for decades 30 - THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY - Founder Madame Helana Petrovna Blavatsky. Text: The Secret Doctrine. Doctrine based on Hindu, and various mystery cults; thoroughly occultic. Hitler was influenced by her writings 31 - ISLAM -Founder Mohammed.Islam means submission.sacred book is the Koran. see forum question on this topic 32 - BLACK MUSLIM - Also known as The Nation of Islam. Founder Elijah Muhammad, and Malcom X .Doctrine - God is black,and the black man is a god. Some of the strange beliefs include the belief that a mad white doctor created the evil white race. Their doctrines do not correlate with traditional Islamic beliefs.The fruit of Islam is now seen by all.

Pastor Charles Taze Russell founded the Jehovah's Witnesses. He was once considered the " faithful and discreet slave ,a fact the Witnesses now deny.(see The Harp OF God 1920,and The Watchtower magazine 1920 a witness publication).Over the years the Watchtower has prophesied the end of the world over ten times.(not a good record for God's spokesman).Another strange doctrine is the refusal to take blood transfusions.(at the cost of many lives,many children).they do not celebrate birthdays,or any holidays,nor do they salute the flag,or serve in the military .

The following are some answers to your ques.

The Bible says that Jesus is our Savior: Mt.1:21; Lk.2:11; Jn.1:29 and 4:42; Titus 2:13; and Heb.5:9.

Yahweh is the Savior:  Isaiah 43:3;  43:11;  63:8;  Luke 1:47; and 1Tim. 4:10. 

Other mutual titles or acts of Jesus and Yahweh are : I Am, God, Alpha & Omega (first & last), Lord, King, Judge, Light, Rock, Redeemer, Our Righteousness, Shepherd, Creator, Giver of Life, Forgiver of sins, Ommipresent, Omnipotent, Preexistent, Eternal, Immutable, Receiver of Worship, Speaker with Divine Authority.

The claim that "He is a God" is from their translation of Jn.1:1;....not one Greek scholar agrees with their translation. One scholar, Dr. Mantee , threatened to sue them for misquoting him.

Another scholar they use is also a cultist.

Questions to ask:

Ask them how many God's are there? 

In whose name do we meet? (Matthew 18:20)

Demons are subject to whose name? (Luke 10:17)

In whose name are you to believe in? By whose name are we saved? (Acts 4:12) (Acts 16:31)

Whose name is above every name? (Phil. 2:9)

Some diety scriptures:

Jesus is the mighty God (Isaiah 9:6) & (Isaiah 10:21)

.... being if the form of God (Phil 2:6)

I and the Father are One, (John 10:33)

He makes Himself equal with God (John 5:18)

He is God over all, (Romans 9:55)

Jesus is Lord (Greek=kyrios ; O.T. for Yahweh). (Romans 10:9) .


All  possess  the following attributes and must be equal... 

OMNIPRESCENSE- 1Ki.8:27; Mt.28,20; Ps.139:7

OMNISCIENCE-  Ps.147:5; Jn.16:30; 1 Cor.2:10 

OMNIPOTENCE- Ps.135:6; Mt.28:18; Rom.15:9

HOLINESS- Rev.15:4; Acts3:14; Rom.1:4

ETERNITY- PS.90:2; Mic.5:2; Jn.1:2; Rev.1:8,17; Heb.9:14

TRUTH- Jn.7:28; Rev.3:7,1Jn.5:6;

LORD- Lk.2:11; Rom.10:12; 2 Cor.3:17

EVERLASTING- Rom.16:26; Heb.9:14; Rev.22:13

ALMIGHTY-Gen.17:1; Rev.1:8

POWERFUL- Jer.32:17; Zech.4:6; Heb.1:3

As to questions on the use of their translation, I would use another translation , (in light of the opinions of Heb. & Greek scholars )

On the usefulness of the New World Translation (no Heb. or Greek scholar was on the translation board) , I could go on and on. A good book that will meet your needs is REASONING FROM THE SCRIPTURES WITH THE JEHOVAHS' WITNESSES, by Ron Rhodes. Another is Jehovah's Witnesses Answered by David Reed.

Also , I can provide you with an 800 page handout that  I personally  use.  


BILL Caron