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Sgurr nan Gillean and the Pinnacle Ridge from Basteir gorge
Sgurr nan Gillean and the Pinnacle Ridge from Basteir gorge
This article is about the Cuillin of Skye. See Rùm for the Cuillin of Rùm.

The Cuillin are a range of rocky mountains located on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. The true Cuillin are also known as the Black Cuillin to distinguish them from the Red Hills across Glen Sligachan. The Red Hills are lower and, being less rocky, have fewer scrambles or climbs. Generally they receive less attention than their higher neighbours.

The highest point of the Cuillin, and indeed the Isle of Skye, is Sgurr Alasdair in the Black Cuillin at 992 m (3255 ft).


[edit] Black Cuillin

The true Cuillin are known as the Black Cuillin which are mainly composed of basalt and gabbro, the latter being a very rough rock which makes for superb grip for mountaineers. It is from the dark colour of the gabbro that the Black Cuillin receive their name. The summits of the Cuillin are bare rock, jagged in outline and with many steep cliffs and deep cut corries and gullies. All twelve Munros on Skye are Black Cuillin peaks, though one of them, Blaven, is part of a group of outliers separated from the main ridge by Glen Sligachan.

The Cuillin are the most challenging hills in the British Isles, although the careful scrambler can access most of the individual peaks by their easiest routes. Only the Inaccessible Pinnacle is a graded rock climb (moderate) by its simplest line but several of the other summits require rock climbing skills in order to ascend in safety.

On the Cuillin Ridge
On the Cuillin Ridge

In addition to climbing individual peaks and routes on the range, there is the challenge of a full traverse of the ridge. Although only 7 miles in length, the average traverse is likely to take 15-20 hours from sea level at Glenbrittle to the bar of the Sligachan Hotel owing to the difficulty of the terrain and route finding problems. The current record for the full traverse, held by fell-runner Andy Hyslop, stands at around 3 1/2 hours.

A further complication is the lack of any source of water on the ridge itself, meaning all water has to be carried in order to avoid any extra descent (and the consequent re-ascent).

In many ways, the ultimate mountaineering experience of the UK is the full traverse under winter conditions. Sadly the isle’s position in the warm Gulf Stream makes genuine winter conditions rare. The Cuillins are perhaps the only range in the United Kingdom to approach in sheer jagged rawness (though not of course in height) the mountain experience of such ranges as the Alps or Rockies.

[edit] The Red Hills

Marsco in the Red Hills
Marsco in the Red Hills

The Red Hills (Am Binnean Dearg in Gaelic) are sometimes known as the Red Cuillin though this is not a local name. They are mainly composed of granitic rock which is paler than the gabbro (with a reddish tinge from some angles in some lights) and has weathered into more rounded hills with vegetation cover to summit level and many long screes slopes on their flanks. The highest point of the hills is Glamaig, one of only two Corbetts on Skye (the other being Garbh-bheinn, part of the small group of gabbro outliers surrounding Blaven).

[edit] Major peaks

Here are listed the Munros, Corbetts and Grahams of the Cuillin.

  Peak Absolute height (m) Relative height (m) Cuillin
1 Sgurr Alasdair 992 992 Black
2 Inaccessible Pinnacle - Sgurr Dearg 986 182 Black
3 Sgurr a' Ghreadaidh 973 c. 123 Black
4 Sgurr na Banachdich 965 c. 114 Black
5 Sgurr nan Gillean 964 c. 204 Black
6 Bruach na Frithe 958 c. 125 Black
7 Sgurr Mhic Choinnich 948 c.56 Black
8 Sgurr Dubh Mor 944 c. 89 Black
9 Am Basteir 934 c. 55 Black
10 Bla Bheinn - Blaven 928 301 Outlier
11 Sgurr nan Eag 924 c. 127 Black
12 Sgurr a' Mhadaidh 918 c. 71 Black
13 Garbh-bheinn 808 172 Outlier (Blaven group)
14 Glamaig 775 c. 480 Red
15 Marsco 736 413 Red
16 Beinn Dearg Mhor 731 152 Red
17 Belig 702 246 Outlier (Blaven group)

[edit] External links

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