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CUBE (Club for Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering) is a student organization established in 1997 at the University of Toronto. Its purpose is to offer insight into the field of biomedical engineering to undergraduates of any discipline. It also serves as a point of contact between students, researchers, and industry.

CUBE's membership reached 300 by 1999, across several universities, mostly in Canada. As of 2006 it stands at approximately 400. At Queen's University the club is known as QUBE.


[edit] Activities

CUBE is known for a wine and cheese reception which has occurred in most years of its history, bringing together students and representatives from industry and academia. Other quasi-annual events are the Can Engineers Go to Medical School? talks, and certain tours of the biomedical engineering facilities at nearby hospitals and companies (e.g. the Hospital for Sick Children, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto General Hospital, Ontario Cancer Institute, Medtronic, and Eli Lilly and Company). Occasionally summer retreats have been hosted at the Toronto chapter. CUBE delegations have attended BMES and IEEE EMBS conferences in America.

[edit] Liaising Organizations

CUBE is closely connected to the IBBME, an institute which has always played an important role for the club. In addition, CUBE keeps in contact with the following:

[edit] Presidents

  • 1997-1998: Mark Ebden and Ran Gilad
  • 1998-1999: Mark Ebden and Ran Gilad
  • 1999-2000: Carolyn Lam
  • 2000-2001: Gillian Hillel
  • 2001-2002:
  • 2002-2003:
  • 2003-2004:
  • 2004-2005: Aziz Shariff
  • 2005-2006: Trisha Roy
  • 2006-2007: Trisha Roy

[edit] QUBE

QUBE is the Queen's University Biomedical Engineering club, launched in 1998 as a chapter of CUBE.

[edit] External links