Crucifix Toad

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Crucifix Toad
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Anura
Family: Myobatrachidae
Subfamily: Limnodynastinae
Genus: Notaden
Species: N. bennettii
Binomial name
Notaden bennettii
Günther, 1873
Range of the Crucifix Toad
Range of the Crucifix Toad

The Crucifix Toad or Holy Cross Frog (Notaden bennettii) is an Australian, fossorial frog. It is one of the few Australian frogs to display aposematism. It is native to wastern New South Wales, and south western Queensland.

[edit] Physical description

The Crucifix Toad is the most distinctive species of frog within the Notaden genus. Whereas most Notaden frogs are dark brown in colour, the Crucifix Toad exhibits many bright colours. Its dorsal surface is bright yellow, with a cross of many colours centered on the back. The cross is outlined with large, black dots, and filled with white, black and red dots. The ventral surface is white, and the flanks blue.

The Crucifix Toad is a small, and very round frog. Its nose is blunt, and legs and feet are small. As this species is fossorial, the tympanum is hidden. Males reach a length of 6.3 centimetres (2.5 in), and females a length of 6.8 centimetres (2.7 in).

[edit] Ecology and behaviour

The Crucifix Toad is a ground dwelling frog, which inhabits the arid areas of western New South Wales and Queensland. To survive long periods without water, the Crucifix Toad will bury itself underground and encase itself in a cocoon. Upon rain, they will emerge from the ground, and begin breeding in temporary ponds. The males call from within the pond to attract the female. The call is a "woop". The development of the tadpole is rapid. This is to reduce the risk of them dying from the pond drying up.

The frog exudes a "frog glue" onto its skin when provoked, which acts as a defense against biting insects. The insects are later consumed when the frog sheds and eats its skin. The glue it uses has been found to be stronger than available non-toxic medical adhesives, and is the subject of further study. The glue is a protein-based pressure-sensitive adhesive that functions even in wet conditions. [1] [2]

The Crucifix Toad's diet primarily consists of ants and termites.

[edit] References

  • Barker, J.; Grigg, G.C. & Tyler, M.J. (1995). A Fiesld Guide to Australian Frogs. Surrey Beatty & Sons. ISBN 0-949324-61-2.