
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Hello there, fellow Wikipedia user. I just created this page so that when you see the CronDaemon link, it is not colored red, and you would be directed to this page. Well, I started editing articles since I cannot find a good online introductory reference about the Gerchberg–Saxton algorithm.

As for the name, CronDaemon, I always receive email from that famous Linux Daemon since root mail is forwarded to me. No, I do not enjoy reading Cron Daemon's mail.

And, no, I did not write the Cron page.

By the way, there is an astig memeber in my lab.

[edit] Personal Links

Something for web crawlers:

My Blog (does not have a permanent title)

Anz´s Sketchpad (Personal Homepage)

Instrumantation Physics Laboratory