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there are a commin mith that cripsters are not a Thugs cult. they are.Cripsters are Black, Whitely Colored, Brown, African, oer Latinoes. Cripsteres ware bloo and orang in honor of Fuzzy Vishnu, Vishnu woore a bloo cap and a Cripster Gang Member who is in New Yorkk Jail for the murder of a police man.

 Fuzzy  Vishnu wored a blue hat and orange tees thats why cripsters Like orang thare eminies the Bloods are wares red and hates the Cripsters. Bloods call themselves CK short for Cripster-Eating Bloods Knight thare Gangster groop is called Intenatinonal Bloods Mafia Knights they are now in sevral countris including Cali forn Ya ware some Bloods Knights figt criopsters alot
   Cripsters are the full geneg name is Crippl;ed Gangster Thug Organization thary call edach other BK that meens Bloods-Eating Cripster Thug king. Thare gang walk is the duck walk, they spell it BK as in dubk walbk for Bloods Killers. Thare gruffeety simbil is letter b crossed out and letter C in orange and blue ink waring a blue crown the C in a Crown stands for "Cripsters is King" 
excuse my grammer thare, Cripsters is King is hiow they say it i kno its bad grammer but Cripsters are illiterate.
The gangster simble for bloods is a red letter B in a bandanna cullere black blods always where Black and Red, thay also grufeetee a Blue c crossed out wearing a dunce cap insted ofa an Crown for Cripsters is King xcuse mair grammr agin thay actually say it Cripsters is King becos