Cristóbal Ramírez de Cartagena

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Cristóbal Ramírez de Cartagena was a licenciado and Spanish colonial administrator in Peru. He was president of the Audiencia of Lima at the death of Viceroy Martín Enríquez de Almanza in 1583. In this capacity, he served as head of the government of Peru (acting viceroy) for part of the year 1584. The other oidores (members of the Audiencia) were Licenciado Juan Bautista Monzón and Doctors Pedro de Arteaga y Mendiola and Alonso Criado de Castilla.[1]

He was soon replaced in the position of viceroy by Fernando Torres de Portugal y Mesía.

Preceded by
Martín Enríquez de Almanza
Viceroy of Peru
Succeeded by
Fernando Torres de Portugal y Mesía

[edit] References