User talk:Crestville

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Looking for a conversation we had? Wanting to re-ingnite an argument long since resolved but can't find it? Or maybe you just want to read what I've said so that you can use it in a fresh argument against me. Maybe you're a scientist doing research on how a 20yr old workshy Yorkshireman interacts with a Scouse Fireman; a British ex-pat in Austria with a girls name; a middle aged reluctant cockney who is married with children; and a KLF fan from the West Country when discussing very trivial Beatles-related matters, using various - and increasingly confusing - pseudonyms. Then why not look in my archives? They're full of hilarious altercations I've had with friends and critics, and will keep you entertained for hours. Why not try the "random discussion generator" by entering an archive and choosing a random heading, then reading the relevant text - it's pot luck madness! Or maybe you're a publisher looking for a new form of coffee table literature with a view to making one lucky, stubborn and argumentative wikipedia contributer a household name. Look no further. God has smiled upon you this day - I am your man. More likely, you're an admin, looking to see how many times I've been blocked before so you can give me a really big block becuase I've called a fellow wikipedian a "fucking useless tosser, I'll kill you!" - let me save you some time: I have never once been blocked (yes, that ought to do. What a good cover).

[edit] Student problem

Hello, Joe. I hope you don't mind calling you "Joe". After 3 years, I think that we established some friendly collaborative relationship so that we can use our own names. I think sometimes ago I asked you about studying in UK. As you might remember and as I have stated on my user page, I intend to start a second bachelor's degree in cultural anthropology or anthropology somewhere in UK. What I need is some help which are the best places to study in UK? I only don't wanna live and study in a big city like London or Manchester. I am really fed up with city life. Really, really fucking fed up. I would mostly like some quiet provincial ~20,000-50,000 town where to study. So, do you have any suggestions what are the best social sciences institutions and faculties, excluding those in big cities, where I can enroll? I noticed that you study in Nottingham Trent University and want to ask you is this good school. You live in UK and you can most probably provide some sort of feedback. If you can't recommend anything for my subject, I hope that you can at least point some kind of message board or community where I can ask some questions. Thank you very much, dear friend.

With all respect: Chavdar Likov / Painbearer

[edit] Andrea

Aright Our Joe? I don't think he's quit, I seem to remember him saying something about taking the kids he teaches on a trip, or something like that anyway.

I agree totally with your comment about The Beatles being their NAME and as you know, it is also a trade name, but this was just met with "then it would always have to be written in block capitals"! Why? the trade name isn't written in block capitals! I made the point that it should be treated just the same as Coca Cola, and that was also met with the same reply - how? Coca Cola isn't written in block Caps! Now they're even dropping "The" to lower case in album info boxes: eg The Beatles how does that work?

Anyway, I hope you're well we've been very busy, this is the first time I've been o line for almost a week! Cheers Joe, all the best, Vera, Chuck & Dave 15:16, 29 March 2007 (UTC)

Oh Shit! Just seen his page doesn't look to good. Vera, Chuck & Dave 15:23, 29 March 2007 (UTC)
I know what you mean, I can be very emotional, (for someone who is highly disciplined at work) it's all the mad Irish blood coursing through me Scouse veins! Yeah, I've seen Let It Be, it gives a real insight into the breakup, the way George is dissmised by Paul & John is quite painful to watch. Cheers La, Vera, Chuck & Dave 16:00, 29 March 2007 (UTC)
Fair points on both counts Joe. Vera, Chuck & Dave 16:10, 29 March 2007 (UTC)

Fuck these Yanks Joe, I said if they take Andrea, they take me with him. Look after yourself Pal, don't give up the guitar, and be good to yourself! Cheers La, Tony

Nobody forced Andrea to leave, just like nobody forced me to leave. --Lukobe 05:11, 30 March 2007 (UTC)
Oh m goodness, they're dropping like flies! I feel I should pay some tribute to you all, it'll be lonely without you two, but I won't. Never mind.--Crestville 08:24, 30 March 2007 (UTC)

(undent) I'm still around, doing a little on Beatles articles as and when, and editing other stuff and bugging a whole different bunch of editors elsewhere. I'm not coming back to the Project just yet, since I am pretty much part of the problem there and I would look like a right cunt if I came merrily waltzing back now that some major contributors - a couple of whom I disagreed with in the amending and application of policy - have also left. Since you, Joe, seem to be the only one now left I think I will make my final statement on this whole sorry mess here; Andreasedge, and V,C & D, John Cardinal and Lukobe were/are excellent editors who contributed great stuff to The Beatles Project. Andrew in particular really sorted out some articles. I enjoyed interacting with them in the most part, and think their loss is a loss to Wikipedia. I'm sorry things couldn't be sorted out. Mark 12:23, 30 March 2007 (UTC)

Oh, I'm always partial to some silliness... I've had to live with myself for most of my life! LessHeard vanU 20:08, 30 March 2007 (UTC)