Template:Crater class cargo ship

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Crater-class cargo ship
Crater | Adhara | Aludra | Arided | Carina | Cassiopeia | Celeno | Cetus | Deimos | Draco | Albireo | Cor Caroli | Eridanus | Etamin | Mintaka | Murzim | Sterope | Serpens | Lynx | Lyra | Triangulum | Sculptor | Ganymede | Naos | Caelum | Hyperion | Rotanin | Allioth | Alkes | Giansar | Grumium | Rutilicus | Alkaid | Crux | Alderamin | Zaurak | Shaula | Matar | Sabik | Menkar | Azimech | Lesuth | Megrez | Alnitah | Leonis | Phobos | Arkab | Melucta | Propus | Seginus | Syrma | Venus | Ara | Ascella | Cheleb | Pavo | Situla | Allegan | Appanoose

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