Crash to Desktop

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A Crash to Desktop (or CTD) is a computer program crash which is said to occur when a full screen program (usually a game) in a Graphical User Interface environment unexpectedly quits, abruptly taking the user back to the desktop. Usually, the term is applied only to crashes where no error is displayed, hence all the user sees as a result of the crash is the desktop. Many times there is no apparent action that causes a CTD. During normal function, the game may freeze for a short period of time, then close itself. Also during normal function, the game may become a black screen and play the last 0.5 seconds of sound that was being played repeatedly before it Crashes to Desktop. Other times it may appear to be triggered by a certain action, such as loading an area.

CTDs are considered particularly problematic for users. Since they frequently display no error message, it can be very difficult to track down the source of the problem, especially if the times it occurs and the actions taking place right before the CTD don't appear to have any pattern or common ground. Though, overheating, overclocking and older versions of Windows (pre-XP) are some of the common causes.

[edit] See also