Cranford protocol

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The Cranford protocol or Cranford agreement is a verbal deal struck in 1952 between the British Government and the residents of Cranford in London regarding the usage of the runways at London Heathrow Airport to reduce the impact of aircraft noise on local residents.

Under normal operations the agreement prohibits take-off on the northern runway towards the east (towards London) because of the proximity of Cranford to the east end of this runway; however this runway may be used in exceptional cases, for example when the southern runway is not available for departures or when departure delays are excessive.

Although no formal written agreement exists, the government acknowledges that a verbal agreement was made by a senior government official at a meeting of the Cranford Residents' and District Amenities Association on 31 July 1952 [1]. The protocol is published in the Heathrow Manual of Air Traffic Services and Noise Abatement Notification, and thus is a part of the day-to-day operating rules of the airport.