Crane family (Passions)

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The Original portrayal of the Crane family, Sheridan, Ivy, Julian, Ethan portrayed by Travis Schuldt (1999-2002), and Gwen Winthrop. Alistair not seen until 2004.  Passions; 1999.
The Original portrayal of the Crane family, Sheridan, Ivy, Julian, Ethan portrayed by Travis Schuldt (1999-2002), and Gwen Winthrop. Alistair not seen until 2004. Passions; 1999.

The Crane family is the wealthiest, most prestigious family on the NBC soap opera, Passions. Seated in Harmony, New England, the Crane family amassed its fortune during the eighteenth century via the slave trade, amongst other things. The Crane family wealth is now garnered from Crane Industries, a global corporation, which does a number of things, including shipping and fishing.


[edit] Family members

[edit] First generation

  • Alistair Ephraim Crane is the ruthless, malevolent patriarch of the Crane family. He will go to whatever lengths it takes to obtain security for the Crane empire, including murder his own daughter. Alistair has been married to both Katherine (1940s/1950s-1980s; annulled) and Theresa (married 3 October 2005), and is the father of both Julian and Sheridan (with Katherine), Beth (with Edna Wallace), Chad (with Liz Sanbourne) and Little Ethan (born 21 June 2002, with Theresa, via adoption).
  • Katherine Barrett Crane is the ex-wife of Alistair Crane. Katherine married Alistair when her elder sister, Rachel Barrett, who had been engaged to Alistair, died in a boating accident (it was later revealed that Alistair had held Rachel captive for over twenty years). Throughout her marriage to Alistair, Katherine was repeatedly abused - verbally, physically, and sexually. She eventually ran away with Martin Fitzgerald in the 1980s, and her marriage to Alistair was annulled. She is the mother of both Julian and Sheridan (with Alistair).
  • Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald Crane is the new wife of Alistair Crane. Theresa married Alistair on 3 October 2005 in an attempt to regain custody of her daughter, Jane, from Jane's father, Ethan, and his wife, Gwen. Upon her marriage to Alistair, Theresa discovered that she had signed a prenup allowing Alistair to adopt her son, Little Ethan. Theresa is the mother of both Little Ethan (believed to be with Julian until 2006; was revealed to be with Ethan) and Jane (also with Ethan).
  • Rachel Barrett is the ex-fiancée of Alistair Crane and older sister to his first wife Katherine. For many years it was believed that she was dead but in reality her death had been faked and she was held prisoner by Alistair for several years before she faked her death of her own accord to escape from him. Katherine believed her daughter Sheridan had accidently killed Rachel but this was a ruse of Alistair's to get Katherine back. Rachel returned during the Passions Red storyline. She seems to have disappeared from the show and is rarely referenced anymore.

[edit] Second generation

  • Beth Wallace is the result of an affair between Alistair Crane and Edna Wallace. Beth grew up not knowing who her father was, and was thrilled to discover that Alistair was her father in 2005. Beth kidnapped her half-sister Sheridan's son, Marty, in 2003, and when DNA tests proved that Marty was, in fact, Sheridan's child, Beth fled the country with him - with Alistair's help. After being discovered in Rome; Alistair, Beth and Marty were seemingly killed when the train they were on was attacked by a missle.
  • Chad Harris-Crane is the product of Alistair's rape of Liz Sanbourne in the 1970s. Chad was raised by the Harris family until he was 8, at which point they abandoned him. He came to Harmony in 1999 looking for them, and discovered he had been adopted as a child. He at first believed that he was the son of Julian and Eve Johnson, thus making his relationship with supposed half-sister Whitney Russell incestuous. Chad went to work for Crane Industries, determined to take his rightful place as Crane heir; however, he was disinherited by Alistair in 2005. In 2006, Chad discovered that he was actually Alistair's son with Liz, Eve's adoptive half-sister, making Whitney only his half-cousin via adoption. Chad was married to a woman named Latoya for a number of years, and their divorce was finalized in 2003. Chad also has a son, Miles (born 23 March 2005), with Whitney.
  • Ethan Crane is the biological son of Ethan Winthrop and Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald, long believed to be Julian Crane's son. He was born on 21 June 2002, and adopted in 2004 by Ethan and Gwen Winthrop after Theresa's parental rights were rescinded then later given to Theresa in 2005 and being adopted once more by his grandfather, Alistair, upon Alistair's marriage to Theresa. Little Ethan is currently the heir to the Crane empire. Alistair planned on molding Little Ethan to follow in his footsteps. Theresa recently discovered that her eldest child was fathered by Ethan and not Julian.
  • Ivy Winthrop is the only daughter of former governor Harrison Winthrop and his wife Helen. Ivy is the first ex-wife of Julian Crane and mother of three of his children: Fancy Crane, Pretty Crane and Nicholas Foxworth Crane (nickname Fox). Her son Ethan was originally believed to be Julian's son as well but it was later revealed that Ethan was the son of Sam Bennett. Ivy married Julian because she couldn't have Sam, and stayed married to him because of her family's financial problems. They were married for about 25 years.
  • Rebecca Hotchkiss Crane is the second ex-wife of Julian Crane (not counting Julian's invalid marriage to Theresa). Rebecca married Julian for the money and power of the Crane name, though she does truly love him somewhere deep, deep down in her money-loving heart. Rebecca has one daughter, Gwen Hotchkiss, with her first husband, Jonathan Hotchkiss. Rebecca herself was once very wealthy, but signed everything over to Jonathan when she divorced him. It has recently been revealed that Julian and Rebecca were divorced off screen and that Rebecca was given a substantial divorce settlement. Julian and Rebecca while divorced still sleep together.
  • Antonio Brian Lopez-Fitzgerald was the first husband of Sheridan Crane. Sheridan and Antonio became involved while Sheridan was suffering from amnesia. Antonio is eldest child of Pilar and Martin and the older brother of Luis, Theresa, Miguel and Paloma. Antonio was killed during a plane explosion rigged by Alistair, a trap that was actually intended for Sheridan.
  • Christopher Matthew Boothe, allegedly born Greg Walton, is the second husband of Sheridan Crane (not counting her invalid marriage to Luis). Chris, originally from South Africa, developed some dangerous organized crime ties, and was forced into witness protection as a result. His claim that his wife Maureen Preston, left him, and took their son, James (born 2001), with her has been revealed to false. Chris was a hired stooge for Alistair paid to marry Sheridan and raise James.
  • Latoya Harris was the first wife of Chad Harris. Chad left her to come to Harmony to search for his biological parents. Chad divorced her off-screen after learning she had never filed the original paperwork.
  • Whitney Russell Harris-Crane is the second wife of Chad Harris. She was a tennis player and is good friends with Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald. Whitney became involved with Chad Harris, who was unfortunately revealed to be her half-brother. Whitney gave birth to a son, Miles with Chad, who she tried to pass off as Fox Crane's son, she gave Miles up for adoption, and Chad adopted him. She started to work as a nun, and during the Vendetta storyline, it was revealed Chad was not really her brother, but the son of her mother's adopted sister, Liz Sanbourne, and Alistair Crane. Whitney and Chad recently married despite her fears that he is cheating on her.

[edit] Third generation

  • Unknown son of Julian Crane and Eve Johnson. Originally thought to be deceased, Alistair later revealed him to be Chad Harris; however this was later proven to be untrue. Julian and Eve's son's whereabouts - and if he's even alive - are unknown. Fandom often refers to Julian and Eve's baby as "The Evian Child".
  • Fancy Crane is the eldest of the two daughters of Julian and Ivy. Growing up, Fancy was the only one of Alistair's family members that he ever loved, as she was a "true Crane", like he was. When Fancy fell in love with Noah Bennett, Alistair was furious, and disinherited her in 2005. However, after some manipulation on Alistair's part, Noah and Fancy broke up, and Alistair gave his granddaughter a job at Crane Industries as the division chief of fashion design. Fancy is currently dating Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald. Fancy is currently recovering after being raped by a masked man known as "The Peeper".
  • Pretty Crane refers to the unseen daughter of Julian and Ivy. She has not been back to Harmony since before 1999. As a child she and her brother and sister were sent away to boarding schools. When the show first started she and her siblings were away at college. At last report she was dating a wealthy count she met in Europe. She is younger than Ethan and Fancy but older than Fox. It has been implied she is something of a spoiled socialite much like her sister Fancy used to be. Ivy revealed her daughter's first name just recently. According to their aunt Sheridan, as teenagers Fancy once went after a boy Pretty liked but dumped him the following week. According to her aunt Sheridan Pretty once had a reputation for being unstable.
  • Nicholas Foxworth Crane is the youngest child and only son of Julian and Ivy. Fox spent most of his life in the shadow of his older brother, Ethan. Fox has previously been involved with Whitney Russell and Theresa, Lopez-Fitzgerald. He recently tricked Kay Bennett into marrying him by pretending to be dying of a terminal illness.
  • Martin Lopez-Fitzgerald is supposedly the only child of Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald and Sheridan Crane (but Sheridan had also been sleeping with Luis's brother Antonio at the time). Born on 9 September 2003, he was kidnapped by his mother's demented half-sister, Beth Wallace, who passed off Marty as her own child. When DNA tests proved that Marty was really Sheridan's son in 2005, Beth fled the country with Marty with the help of her father, Alistair. Marty was killed in a train explosion in Italy in 2006, along with Alistair and Beth.
  • Miles Davis Harris-Crane, born 23 March 2005, is the product of the then-believed-to-be-incestuous relationship between Chad Harris and his half-sister, Whitney Russell. Whitney, aware of the circumstances surrounding her child's conception, originally planned to pass him off as Fox's son. Whitney realized that she couldn't be around her son, however, and gave him up for adoption. Whitney was horrified when Chad adopted his own son, and eventually revealed Miles's true paternity to both Chad and Fox. When Miles was a year old, his father discovered that he and Whitney were only half-cousins via adoption.
  • James Boothe aka Mark Preston. Adopted by Sheridan Crane. Originally believed to be the son of Christopher Boothe and a woman named Maureen Preston. It was later revealed Christopher Boothe was a man hired by Alistair to romance and marry Sheridan and also to raise James. The identity of James's biological father remains a mystery.
  • Kathleen Elizabeth Bennett Crane. Recent wife of Fox Crane. Daughter of Sam and Grace Bennett. Fox has recently faked a terminal illness to trick Kay into marrying him.
  • Ethan Winthrop was raised to believe he was the son of Julian Crane and his wife Ivy Winthrop when in reality he was the son of Sam Bennett. From an early age Ethan was groomed to be the heir to the Crane empire. When Ethan chose to get involved with Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald, Alistair disinherited him in the fall of 2000. Ethan chose to take his mother's maiden name as his surname after learning that Julian Crane was not his biological father. His son Little Ethan with Theresa is currently the heir to the Crane fortune because he was adopted by Alistair.
  • While technically not a biological Crane (his birth certificate does list Julian as his father) Ethan is included on this page to reflect the fact that he was raised as Julian Crane's son for 25 years.

[edit] Family Tree

Alistair Ephraim Crane (died 17 July 2006)

m. Katherine Barrett (annulled)
c. Julian Linus Crane
a. Eve Johnson
c. unnamed son
Presumed dead upon birth and given up for adoption.
m. Ivy Winthrop (divorced 2001)
c. Fancy Crane
c. Pretty Crane
c. Nicholas Foxworth Crane
m. Kathleen Elizabeth Bennett (married January 10, 2007)
m. Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald (2001-3003; invalid)
c. Ethan Lopez-Fitzgerald Crane (b. June 21, 2002)
Theresa's biological son with Ethan; adopted by Alistair in 2005.
m. Rebecca Hotchkiss (2001; invalid)
a. Tabitha Lenox
c. Endora Lenox (b. July 28, 2003)
m. Rebecca Hotchkiss (2004-2006; divorced)
c. Sheridan Crane
m. Antonio Lopez-Fitzgerald (January 9, 2003 - June 24, 2004; dissolved by his death)
a. Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald
c. Martin Lopez-Fitzgerald (9 September 2003 - 17 July 2006; deceased)
m. Christopher Matthew Boothe (married 22 February 2006)
c. James Boothe (adopted)
Biological son of Maureen Preston; believed to be Chris's son.
m. Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald (2006; invalid)
a. Edna Wallace
c. Beth Wallace (died 17 July 2006)
r. Elizabeth Sanbourne
c. Chad Harris-Crane
m. Latoya (divorced 2003)
a. Whitney Russell
c. Miles Davis Harris-Crane (b. 23 March 2005)
m. Whitney Russell (married 26 December 2006)
m. Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald (3 October 2005 - 17 July 2006; dissolved by his death)
c. Ethan Lopez-Fitzgerald Crane (b. June 21, 2002)
Biologically Ethan's son, but believed to be Julian's son; adopted by Alistair in 2005.

[edit] External links