CPA (disambiguation)

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CPA is a three-letter abbreviation with multiple meanings, as described below:

[edit] General

[edit] Politics and government

[edit] Organizations

[edit] Science and technology (not organizations)

[edit] Physics

[edit] Computing

  • Control Panel Applet - a small program or applet which is invoked by or from a computer control panel
  • Converged Packet Access
  • Cell Processor Architecture
  • Cost Per Action - internet advertisement
  • Collaboration Protocol Agreement - a component of the ebXML standards

[edit] Other

  • Cyproterone Acetate - an antiandrogen drug
  • chirped pulse amplification (laser)
  • Chosen plaintext attack is any form of cryptanalysis which presumes that the attacker has the capability to choose arbitrary plaintexts to be encrypted and obtain the corresponding ciphertexts.
  • Closest Point of Approach in radar navigation, the point at which two approaching vessels are expected to pass based on extrapolation of speed and course.

[edit] Other

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