Covenant (Alias)

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In the television series Alias, The Covenant is a large, powerful, and secretive intelligence/terrorist organization.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The Covenant was a "loose affiliation of Russian nationalists" composed of retired KGB and former Central Committee members, all dedicated to the new world envisioned by Milo Rambaldi. It functioned much like an organized crime family. At one point, it had six cell leaders, until Julian Sark and Lauren Reed (a double agent in the NSC who was Michael Vaughn's wife) assassinated them in a bid for power. The Covenant had secured Sark's release to gain access to his wealth as a Romanov descendant. McKenas Cole had somehow managed to secure his own release and was now the second most powerful individual in the Covenant. During season 3, it was based in St. Petersburg. Two of its front companies were the Dryden Bank and Chantre Telecom.

In between the second and third seasons, The Covenant kidnapped Sydney Bristow and attempted to brainwash her into believing she was a Covenant agent. Sydney operated as a double agent for the CIA using the alias Julia Thorne for almost two years. Eventually, Sydney left the Covenant and had her memory of the missing years erased in an effort to prevent the Covenant from gaining a crucial Rambaldi artifact. FBI Assistant Director Kendall later told Sydney about those missing years and how she was able to escape the Covenant with his help.

At the end of season 3 Lauren Reed was killed and Sark was captured. In season 4 the Covenant has disappeared as a threat, and Sark later referred to the "implosion of the Covenant." However, the "implosion" was a ruse perpetrated by Elena Derevko. It was also revealed that Elena was the leader of the Covenant, and that Irina Derevko had actually been trying to prevent Elena's endgame. Elena's new headquarters in Prague was raided, but she escaped.

Elena's endgame, based on her interpretation of one of Rambaldi's prophecies, was an apocalypse called Il Diluvio, The Flood. Covenant operatives primed the world's water with Rambaldi substances and Elena activated an enormous Mueller device in Sovogda, Russia. Combined with the substances, the device caused those who had consumed the water to go into a mindless rage. With the help of Irina, the APO team managed to prevent The Flood and kill Elena. However, Nadia Santos had been captured and injected with the tainted water and sent out to fight her sister Sydney, as foreseen by Rambaldi. Sydney only managed to survive with the intervention of Arvin Sloane, who shot Nadia and put her in a coma.

[edit] Known Covenant Members

  • Elena Derevko (leader)
  • Ned Bolger (aka "Arvin Clone;" believed himself to be Arvin Sloane and not associated with The Covenant)
  • Kazari Bomani
  • Sydney Bristow (alias Julia Thorne; double agent)
  • "Coke Bottle Glasses" (real name unknown; Elena's underling)
  • McKenas Cole (Elena's second in command and chief of operations)
  • "Irina Derevko" (real name unknown; volunteered to be doubled and killed by Jack Bristow)
  • Katya Derevko (allied, possibly as a ruse to help bring down Elena; exact status unknown)
  • Allison Doren
  • Johannes Gathird (one of the cell leaders assassinated by Lauren Reed)
  • Gerhard Kronish (a cell leader assassinated by Sark or Reed)
  • Leonid Lisenker (defected in North Korea)
  • Oleg Madrczyk (tried to turn Sydney into Julia Thorne; later killed by Sydney)
  • Calvin McCullough (former head of SD-6 Psychological Warfare Division, responsible for creating "Arvin Clone")
  • Lucien Nisard (led a raid on the Department of Special Research to obtain Rambaldi artifacts)
  • Lauren Reed (co-leader of North American cell)
  • Olivia Reed
  • Uschek San'ko (Sark's main Covenant contact. Formed the Cadmus Revolutionary Front from former Covenant operatives. Assassinated by Anna Espinosa)
  • Julian Sark (co-leader of North American cell, chief financier)
  • Arvin Sloane (first a double agent, then partnered with Elena)
  • Gordei Volkov (Russian hitman)

Episodes: Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5 | DVD

Jack Bristow | Sydney Bristow | Francie Calfo | McKenas Cole | Gordon Dean
Elena Derevko | Irina Derevko | Katya Derevko | Marcus Dixon | Anna Espinosa
Marshall Flinkman | Rachel Gibson | Thomas Grace | FBI Asst. Dir. Kendall
Alexander Khasinau | Andrian Lazarey | Dr. Zhang Lee | Kelly Peyton | Milo Rambaldi
Lauren Reed | Renée Rienne | Nadia Santos | Julian Sark | Arvin Sloane | Emily Sloane
Will Tippin | Isabelle Vaughn | Michael Vaughn | Eric Weiss


Alliance of Twelve | Authorized Personnel Only | The Covenant
Department of Special Research | K-Directorate | Omnifam | Prophet Five

Technologies & Projects

Mueller device | Project Christmas | Project Helix

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