Court of Quebec

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The Court of Quebec is the Provincial Court of the Canadian province of Quebec.

The Court is divided into the following areas:

The Civil Division The Criminal and Penal Division The Youth Division

[edit] External link

Courts of Canada (edit)
Supreme Court: Supreme Court of Canada
Federal Courts: Tax Court of Canada |Federal Court |Federal Court of Appeal
Courts of Appeal of the Provinces and Territories: BC | AB | SASK | MAN | ONT | QC | NB | NS | PEI | NL | YK | NWT | NU
Superior Courts of the Provinces and Territories: BC | AB | SASK | MAN | ONT | QC | NB | NS | PEI | NL | YK | NWT | NU
Provincial Courts of the Provinces and Territories: BC | AB | SASK | MAN | ONT | QC | NB | NS | PEI | NL | YK | NWT | NU
Military Court: Court Martial Appeal Court
Canadian Courts History in the Provinces and Territories: SASK