Couples for Christ

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Couples For Christ Global Mission Foundation, Inc. logo.
Couples For Christ Global Mission Foundation, Inc. logo.


[edit] Organization

The Couples for Christ Global Mission Foundation, Inc. (CFC) is a lay ecclesial movement affiliated with the Catholic Church. Headquarters are in Manila, Philippines with missions in many other countries.

Members are organized into household groups (a group of 10 to 12 individual members, or 5 to 6 couples), which are led by a Household Head. Unit Heads lead household heads, Chapter Heads lead unit heads, and Cluster Heads lead chapter heads. Overall direction is provided by a national CFC Council.

CFC claims a membership of over a million lay Catholics, mostly Filipinos, in 132 countries.

[edit] History

  • Established in 1981, in Manila.
  • On April 25th, 2005, Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist, Couples for Christ received its permanent recognition from the Vatican as a Private Association of the Faithful.
  • At the end of November 2005, CFC claims to have reached 131 countries and over 1 million members.
  • By June 25th, 2006, the charismatic community's 25th founding anniversary, CFC has reached its goal of bringing CFC into all of the 153 countries of the world.
  • As of December 13, 2006, the CFC faith community around the world have reached to a total of 158 countries.

[edit] Position statements

"Couples for Christ has seven pillars that serve as its main focus and life:"

1. Evangelization and Mission (Membership Entry through a Christian Life Program/CLP and serves as the CFC Membership Body)

2. The Family Ministries (CFC-Kids For Christ, CFC-Youth, CFC-Singles for Christ, Handmaids of the Lord (for widows, single mothers and women whose husbands are overseas or whose husbands do not want to serve in a community), and Servants of the Lord (for widowers, or men whose wives are overseas or whose wives do not want to serve in a community)).

3. Pastoral Formation Office (Teachings)

4. Social Ministries (St. Thomas More & Associates, GKare, Sword of Gideon, Tekton Guild, Oikos Society, Isaiah 61:1 Ministry, Education Foundation, Inc., Flame Ministry, Teodora)

5. Gawad Kalinga (Work with the Poor, Slum Eradication)

6. Pro-Life (Natural Family Planning and Education).

7. Special Ministries (Priests For Christ, Nuns For Christ, Missionary Society of St. Francis and St. Paul, Jacob's Well).

[edit] Reference

[edit] See also

[edit] External link