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Cotuí is a city in the Dominican Republic and is one of the oldest cities of Hispaniola. It is the capital of Sánchez Ramírez Province in el Cibao. It was built by Bartolomew Columbus, brother of Christopher Columbus, in the year 1510. Cotuí was the name of an aboriginal Caribbean tribe leader (Cacique) who governed the area. The city is well known for its gold, silver, iron, bauxite, marble, nickel, and other precious metals, mines; its rich soils; and the largest artificial lake in the Caribbean, Presa de Hatillo. It is also known for its crystal clear rivers, and its caverns (prehistoric caves called Guácaras). It produces rice, plantains, cacao, pineapples, passion fruits, and yams.

Other major towns near Cotuí in Sánchez Ramírez, are La Mata, Fantino, La Cueva and Cevicos.

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