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Illustration of Cosette. Artist is Emile Bayard (1837-1891)
Illustration of Cosette. Artist is Emile Bayard (1837-1891)

Cosette is a fictional character in the novel Les Misérables by Victor Hugo.


[edit] Early life

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Cosette is the illegitimate daughter of Fantine and Felix Tholomyès. After Tholomyès abandons Fantine, Fantine leaves Cosette with the Thénardiers at their inn in Montfermeil, paying them to care for her child while she goes to work in the city of Montreuil-sur-Mer. Unbeknownst to Fantine, the Thénardiers mistreat Cosette, forcing her to do chores around the inn. Eponine and Azelma Thénardier, the Thénardiers daughters, tease and mistreat Cosette as well.

From the hospital she has been placed in, Fantine sends Jean Valjean, the mayor of Montreuil-sur-Mer, to retrieve Cosette. Fantine dies before Cosette can be brought to her, but Jean Valjean becomes determined to look after her. When he arrives in Montfermeil, he finds Cosette fetching a pail of water for the Thénardiers. Appalled by this treatment, he pays all of Fantine's debts to the Thénardiers and leaves with Cosette. M. Thénardier later regrets not having demanded more money, but finds himself unable to swindle any more out of Valjean.

Valjean takes Cosette directly to Paris and begins giving her a basic education. When Inspector Javert discovers Valjean's whereabouts, Valjean is forced to flee. He finds himself in the Petit-Picpus convent. The gardener, Fauchelevent, was once rescued by Valjean in Montreuil-sur-Mer, and is eager to help him. Valjean poses as Fauchelevent's brother, assuming that name for Cosette and himself, and the two live peacefully in the convent for many years. Valjean works with Fauchelevent while Cosette is educated. As Cosette grows up, she appears to have no recollection of her childhood before arriving at the convent.

In a later chapter, Cosette does eventually have a recollection of her childhood. Cosette remembers praying for the mother she never knew, the Thénardiers as two ugly creatures, and fetching the water for the Thénardiers somewhere "very far from Paris". In the same chapter, she asks Valjean about her mother, but he does not answer her question. When Cosette has a dream about her mother as an angel, she remarks that her mother must have been a saint before. Valjean answers this by simply stating, "through martyrdom."

[edit] Marius Pontmercy

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Cosette’s adult life consists around a young man by the name of Marius Pontmercy. Their first meeting is in the Luxemburg Gardens where both are unaware of each other until their eyes meet. Both Marius and Cosette fall in love with each other at that moment and begin to constantly think of each other. When Valjean takes notice of Marius’ affections, he sees Marius as a coward for not confronting Valjean and seeking approval to court his "daughter". Valjean then takes Cosette away from the Luxemburg Gardens.

Marius is able to meet Cosette again through Eponine. Eponine takes Marius to Cosette’s new address in order to see Marius happy. Marius idly watches Cosette before approaching her for a few nights. When the Cosette and Marius finally meet again, both of them confess that they love each other. They continue to meet each other from that point on. After robbery by Thénardier at Valjean and Cosette’s home, Valjean believes that Javert is on his trail. He decides that he and Cosette will move to England. Cosette and Marius are devastated by this, because it will be the end of their relationship.

Marius writes a farewell letter to Cosette, and is led to the barricades by Eponine, who leads Marius to the barricades in hope that they will die together. While dying, Eponine reveals this to Marius and gives him Cosette’s letter before she dies. Valjean reads Marius’ farewell letter and decides to follow Marius to the barricades. After the battle is over, he takes Marius unconscious body through the sewers. After a confrontation with Javert, Valjean finally manages to get Marius through the sewers alive. He returns Marius to his beloved Cosette, and she watches over him until he recovers from his injuries.

The two decide to marry each other, but Marius learns of Valjean’s criminal history. This leads him to believe Valjean is dangerous, and asks him to leave him and Cosette. When finding out through Thénardier that Valjean had saved him, Marius with Cosette goes to Valjean on his deathbed. Valjean then shares the last minutes of his life with Marius and Cosette.

Name Euphrasie "Cosette" Fauchelevent
Nicknames The Lark, Mlle. Lanoire, Ursula
Gender Female
Age 16/17
Hair Curly Brown
Eyes Blue
Family Fantine (mother), Felix Tholomyès (father), M. and Mme Thenardier (first adoptive father and mother), Jean Valjean (final adoptive father)
Love Interest Marius Pontmercy
Notable Actresses Rebecca Caine, Judy Kuhn, Lacey Chabert and Ali Ewoldt

[edit] Cosette in the Musical

Rebecca Caine and Judy Kuhn are two notable actresses known for playing the adult Cosette role in the musical adaptation. Lacey Chabert has played the role of Young Cosette.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

In the musical Cosette’s part is condensed. She now takes a supporting role while Eponine Thénardier is now female lead. Cosette’s childhood with Thénardier remains, but the rest of her childhood is missing from the musical. In her adult life, she first sees Marius Pontmercy while giving charity instead of at the Luxemburg Gardens.

The rest of Cosette’s adult life is the same except that Eponine’s motives are entirely selfless in the musical. This has caused Cosette to gain a lot of hatred from fans. As with Marius, many dislike Cosette's character in the musical; as she is often viewed as giddy and childish. Cosette’s musical incarnation is often dubbed shallow and selfish, because Eponine’s actions are seen by some as selfless and sympathetic in the musical adaptation.[citation needed]

[edit] Songs

Cosette sings in the following songs:

  • Castle on the Cloud is the song where little younger Cosette sings about an imaginary escape she has created from her the Thénardiers.(Original French: "Une poupée dans la vitrine" or "Mon prince en chemin")
  • I Saw Him Once is the song where Cosette sings about her love for Marius. The song was removed from the show before it came to Broadway.
  • In My Life is the song where Cosette sings of her new love for Marius and her life with Valjean. (Original French: "Dans ma vie")
  • A Heart Full of Love is the song where Cosette and Marius sing of their love for each other. (Original French: La Coeur au Bonheur")
  • Plumet Attack is the song where the Rue Plumet is attacked by M. Thénardier gang. Cosette sings briefly at the end in which she tells Valjean the reasons for the scream he heard. (Original French: Rue Plumet)It is unknown why she lies and says that it was her scream instead of Eponine's that scared the bandits away.
  • One Day More is the song where the entire cast sing before the end of Act 1. Cosette and Marius sing of how they'll miss each other when Cosette leaves for England.(Original French: "Le grand jour")
  • Every Day is the song where Cosette conforts Marius after his injuries from the barricades.
  • Finale is the song where Valjean and Cosette sing before Valjean dies.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

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