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Cosi redirects here; for other meanings see COSI (disambiguation).

Così is a play by Australian playwright Louis Nowra. First performed in 1992, it features a former university student, Lewis, trying to direct a group of patient in a psychiatric hospital who try to stage a production of Mozart's opera Così Fan Tutte. Set in Australia in 1970, Così is semi-autobiographical. The diverse patients in Lewis's cast bring out a new side of him that allows him to become emotionally involved, while anti-Vietnam war protests erupt in the streets outside. The patients make up a wide spectrum including Doug, a pyromaniac; Cherry, a food-addicted romantic and compulsive liar; Julie, a junkie; Roy, a strange man who is rather self-obsessed; Henry, an older, silent man; Ruth, obsessed with counting and Zac, a drugged up pianist. Other characters include Lewis' girl-friend Lucy and his best mate (and sexual partner) Nick. Adaptations of the play often give the lead character, Lewis, a voice stuttering problem himself (ultimately, to highlight the imperfection of the whole human race).

The play was also made into a film in 1996, starring Toni Collette, screenplay also by Nowra. It won the Australian Award for best performance by an actress for Toni Collette. It was also nominated for best screenplay and best director. It includes cameos by Bruce Campbell, Chuck Palahniuk, Dolly Parton, David Hasselhoff, Prince Charles, James Hewson, Matt Lynch, Nikki Webster, Cartman (from South Park) and Louis Nowra himself.

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