Corumbá de Goiás

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Corumbá de Goiás is a small town and municipality in central Goiás state, Brazil. It is one of the oldest cities in the state and still preserves vestiges of its colonial heritage.

  • Population: 9,915 inhabitants in 2005
  • Total area: 1,736 km²
  • Elevation: 950 meters
  • Became a city: 1875
  • Postal code: 72960-000

Located in the micro-region of Entorno de Brasília, the town belongs to the area of influence of the Geoeconomical Region of Brasília and is linked by highways BR-070 and BR-414. Important distances are: 110 km to Goiânia, 45 km to Anápolis and 130 km to Brasília. Corumbá is bounded by the following municipalities: Pirenópolis, Cocalzinho de Goiás, Santo Antônio do Descoberto, Alexânia and Abadiânia.

Demographic and Political Data

  • Population density: 9.22 inhab/km² (2003)
  • Population growth 1991/2000: -7,57.%
  • Population in 1980: 20,212
  • Population in 1991: 19,663
  • Urban population in 2003: 6,048
  • Rural population in 2003: 3,747
  • Eligible voters in 2004: 6,846
  • Mayor (Prefeito): Waldeci Divino Casseano
  • Vice-mayor (Vice-Prefeito): Genismar Fernandes de Souza
  • Councilmembers (Vereadores): 09

Economic Data

The economy is poorly developed due to the isolation of the town and is based on rural agricultural production and touristic activities. There is a dairy and some cattle raising both for beef and for milk.

  • Gross Domestic Product in 2003: R$39.03 million
  • Gross Domestic Product in 2002: R$30.73 million (133 out of 246 municipalities)
  • Industrial units: 05 (2005)
  • Retail units: 46 (2005)
  • Financial institutions: Banco do Brasil S.A., Banco Itaú S.A. (2005)
  • Dairy: S. Teixeira Produtos Alimentícios Ltda (2005)

Animal Raising and Agricultural Production

  • Cattle: 58,000 (2004)
  • Poultry: 52,000
  • Swine: 5,100
  • Corn: 1,200 hectares producing 4,200 tons
  • Soybeans: 600 hectares producing 1,620 tons
  • Modest production of sugarcane, tomatoes, manioc, rice, and bananas

Education and Health

  • Adult literacy rate: 82.0% (2000)
  • Schools: 20 (2005)
  • Classrooms: 68
  • Teachers: 133
  • Students: 2,518
  • Infant mortality rate: 24.45 in 1,000 live births (2000)
  • Hospitals: 01 with 34 beds (2003)
  • Public health clinics (SUS): 02


Due to variations in elevation, temperatures are quite varied. The average is around 26ºC; The rains obey a tropical pattern and are at their strongest in the period of October to March.


Nature is the tourist attraction of the town. The region is full of waterfalls, caverns, and rivers. The Salto de Corumbá is known throughout the region and attracts many tourists from Brasília and Goiânia. The Corumbá River crosses the town and has beaches and rapids. The town is one of the oldest in the state and still preserves part of the houses from past centuries, with special notice given to the Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora da Penha de França. Corumbá, like neighboring Pirenópolis, receives a great number of tourists for the Festival of the Cavalhadas, mock battles between Moors and Christians.

Ranking on the Municipal Human Development Index

  • Life expectancy: 68.77
  • Adult literacy rate: 0.794
  • School attendance rate: 0.759
  • MHDI: 0.716
  • State ranking: 182 (out of 242 municipalities in 2000)
  • National ranking: 2,701 (out of 5,507 municipalities in 2000)

(All data are from 2000.)

For the complete list see

[edit] Source of Data

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