Corpse camping

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Corpse camping is a practice found in many MMORPGs, where an enemy player character (PC) kills another PC in player versus player combat and then loiters in the area of the dead PC's corpse. The mechanics for recovering one's body differ per game, but generally a PC must return to the area where he died to recover his body or face severe penalties. Those who corpse camp take advantage of these rules by waiting for the dead character to return to life, usually in a weakened state, and then killing him again when his defenses, mana and hit points are not at full capacity.

Certain games, such as World of Warcraft (WoW), seek to curb corpse camping by offering diminishing returns for killing the same character repeatedly. For example, WoW offers Honor Points, for a PvP kill of commensurate level. After one PC kills another 4 times in the same day he no longer receives any Honor Points for the kill.

Another form of corpse camping is present in Starsiege: Tribes, and possibly other online first-person shooters. A player will kill another player, then either place a mine or satchel pack on the corpse, or take cover nearby and wait for someone to retrieve valuable ammunition from the body to shoot them in ambush. This is seen as unfair on most servers.

[edit] See also