Corpo Aereo Spedizione in Russia

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The "Corpo Aereo Spedizione in Russia",or "Aeronautica Russia" (as part of CSIR and ARMIR units),was commanded for Colonel Carlo Drago,later replaced by General Enrico Pezzi.under your orders stayed the Major Ettore Foschini why led the 21° Gruppo Autonomo (composed by 356°,382°,386° Squadriglie),the 22° Gruppo Autonomo (359°,362°,369° and 371° Squadriglie),led by Major Giovanni Borzoni;the Sub-lieutenant Giuseppe “Bepi” Biron of 369a Squadriglie obtain ones eigth air victories in Eastern Front.another units are 16º Gruppo Autonomo Osservazione Aerea (34°,119° and 128° Squadriglie) led by Lieutenant-Commander Bruno G. Ghierini,71° Gruppo Autonomo Osservazione Aerea (with 38°and 116° Squadriglie) and Sezione Trasporti (245° and 246° Squadriglie).

[edit] Aircrafts of Italian Air Detachment in Russia

Italian Air units in Russia was equipped with Macchi MC.200 "Saetta", (figthers),Caproni-Bergamaschi Ca.311 "Libeccio",(Bomber-Recon) amongst Fiat BR.20 "Cicogna", Savoia-Marchetti S.M.81 "Pipistrello" (Transport-Bombers) from 1941.during 1942-43 was added Macchi MC.202 "Folgore" (figther and photo-recon figther version) along of CANT Z.1007 "Alcione" (Bombers),and later used Fiat G.12T along of Piaggio P.108B (transports).if related why Italians received somes Junkers Ju 87D in little quantities during times of Stalingrad operations amongst mentioned use of certain examples of Caproni Campini N.1 in reconossaince missions in same front also.

[edit] Operations of Italian Air Detachment in Russia

Such Unit take part in operations alongside of Italian forces from Zaporozhe,in Ukraine,and Central Russian Front (August 1941),to Chertkovo (Italian A.F.Hq) and Millerovo,in Rostov,near to Stalingrad (Winter 1942-1943).during first period of period Italians was shotdown ones 88 Soviet Aircrafts.

Later,during last stages Italians was returned but opered from North Area in Eastern Front,(Reichskomissariat Ostland) how units of Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana,under led of Luftwaffe,(1°Staffeln,Transportfliedgergruppe 10 (Ital));amongst other Italian units served also under German orders in Southern Area (Krymea peninsula) of same front until 1944-45 period.

[edit] See Also