Coq au vin

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Coq au vin (rooster with wine) is a French fricassee of chicken cooked with wine, lardons, mushrooms, and garlic. Older roosters are traditionally used because they contain a lot of connective tissue, which creates a richer broth when cooked.

Many regions of France have variants of coq au vin using the local wine, e.g. coq au vin jaune (Jura), coq au Champagne, and so on. The most extravagant version is coq au Chambertin, but this generally involves Chambertin more in name than in practice.


[edit] History

Various legends trace coq au vin to ancient Gaul, Julius Caesar, and so on, but in fact the dish is not documented until the early 20th century, though it no doubt existed as a rustic country dish long before that.[1]

[edit] Preparation

Standard recipes call for chicken, wine (often a full bottle), often brandy, lardons or bacon, button mushrooms, and usually garlic. Recipes with vin jaune usually specify morels instead of white mushrooms.

The juices are thickened either by making a small roux at the beginning of cooking, or by adding blood at the end.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Oxford Companion to Food, s.v. cock

[edit] External links

Wikibooks Cookbook has an article on