Copallín District

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Copallín is a district of the province of Bagua. The first historical regarding ones of the current population of the district of Copallín, are tied to the history of Copallín Viejo, erected in the current district of Aramango.

Don Juan Requejo Guerrero, the fourth mayor of the province of Bagua, remembered that the native ones set fire for three times consecutive to the town of Copallín Viejo.

The priest José Maria Guallart indicates that in 1845 a group of aguarunas whom a woman was accompanying, raised Copallín Viejo (today Hillocks of Aramango) to change copal, parrots and changuitas for machetes and axes. The natives had the bad fortune of coming across with the not very reliable people, these stretch a trap to the newly come ones entertaining them, making drunk them with owed spirits, kill the man and abuse sexually the woman; having become these painful events general, the aguarunas organize themselves and fall down for surprise on Copallín.

Since the official history is of the winners and not of the defeated ones, of the influential ones and not of those of low profile; the native ones have been labelled like "unfaithful", as savages dedicated to the butcher's shop and to the looting, meanwhile the colonists were given like innocent, as the defenseless ones, as which they were suffering multiple humiliations. In a records of 1870, it is remembered that in the year 1857 the native ones assaulted the ancient village of Copallín, they killed his inhabitants, they felled the fields, they appropriated of the goods and took to the women – the document adds - that from this epoch Copallín remained godforsaken and the housings, the temple, the chapter, etc. etc. They were supported in debris, announcing that in some epoch was a Christians' population.

The living ones that escaped of the hecatomb, between them some Huatangari, remained in some time touching the doors of the hospitable populations, until the inhabitants of The Freckle had to good to condone a section of his areas where they grouped and founded a village with the name of New Copallín, in that one then it was thinking up the year 1860.

The change and the distance did not turn out to be a good shelter, on October 26, 1870 the governor Pedro C. Lean and José Felis Molla municipal receiver both authorities of The Freckle, raised a petitorio to the national representatives (deputies), one was showing that the peoples of Copallín, The Freckle, Morerilla and Bagua Chica were exhibited to disappearing any minute now, they realize that the "savages" have appeared again and have threatened with a bloody incursion.

The desperation was clear and the fear was showing with heartbreaking phrases as: " we present myself … before your paternal mercy ”, “ Parents conscripts of the Homeland we go begging his protection ”, “ affectionate Parents of the homeland we beg rendidamente provide the suitable thing ”.

The order of help of the force publishes to defend and to make to respect his rights, he turned out to be endorsed on November 18, 1870, with the board of the establishment of a garrison on The Freckle; later the Principal Commission of War thinks to endorse the project of creation of the garrison, for condiderarse a measurement of supreme importance to protect the civilized peoples.

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