Cooper Barrett

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Cooper Barrett is a fictional character on the American ABC daytime drama General Hospital. Initially known as Three, the character first premiered on February 1. Jason Gerhardt initially played the role on a recurring basis throughout the entire Metro Court situation, and when he next appeared, the character had a name, and the actor had a contract.


[edit] Character storyline

[edit] His arrival in Port Charles

The character was introduced during the February 2007 sweeps hostage crisis, as one of the armed gunmen working for James Craig. Initially seen only in a ski-mask and referred to as Three, he was trapped inside the Metro Court Hotel vault with hostage Maxie Jones, daughter of the police commissioner. During their several hours of confinement, Maxie, in an unusual move, was completely honest with him about her life and manipulative behavior. They bonded, and at the end of the crisis she persuaded him to temporarily delay blowing up the lobby. In the later aftermath, their roles reversed, as she helped him escape. He later turned up in her bedroom at the Scorpio home, saying he had nowhere else to go, and she has agreed to shelter him until things calm down.

Maxie talked Cooper out of fleeing town and tries to get him a job at Metro Court. She accidentally refered to him as Three to Jasper Jacks. They clean it up saying he is Cooper Barrett III. Jax agrees to hire Cooper at Metro Court, on a temporary assignment while Max the new head of security checks him out. Max can't shake the feeling he knows Cooper but cannot place him. Later after he and Maxie argue on whether to leave town Cooper, the ex-Iraq war veteran, goes off, presumably in search of a room at Kelly's - [1]. Cooper does not actually head to Kelly's though -- he calls his former friend, army buddy Logan Hayes, for money. Cooper and Logan are now involved in a plan hatched by Maxie to blackmail Scott Baldwin with the information that they know he is the one who really killed Dr. Rick Webber almost five years ago, and let Laura Spencer take the fall for it, and the three of them are making it seem to Scott as though Lulu is behind it. Cooper, however, dislikes this course for Maxie. He explains Logan should go it alone. Maxie disagrees so Cooper gets involved to keep her out of trouble. Sonny Corinthos involved himself in Cooper's life after Sonny's head of security, Max Giambetti, recognised Cooepr as one of Craig's mercenaries. Rather than turn Cooper in, Sonny wants him to train as a police officer and infiltrate Ric's anti-crime operation.

[edit] Family & Relationships

[edit] Family

  • Unknown

[edit] Occupation

[edit] Friends

[edit] Down the Road

 This article or section contains information about scheduled or expected future events.
It may contain information of a tentative nature and the content may change dramatically as the event approaches and more information becomes available.

Cooper and Maxie become lovers. [1]

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Canadian TVGuide.

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General Hospital  
General Hospital characters (Current contract cast only)
Lorenzo Alcazar | Cooper Barrett | Nikolas Cassadine | Carly Corinthos | Michael Corinthos III | Sonny Corinthos | Alexis Davis | Patrick Drake | Logan Hayes | Jasper Jacks | Georgie Jones | Maxie Jones | Ric Lansing | Sam McCall |Jason Morgan | Alan Quartermaine | Dillon Quartermaine | Edward Quartermaine | Emily Quartermaine | Monica Quartermaine | Skye Quartermaine | Tracy Quartermaine | Mac Scorpio | Robert Scorpio | Robin Scorpio | Bobbie Spencer | Lucky Spencer | Luke Spencer | Lulu Spencer | Damian Spinelli | Elizabeth Webber | Dr. Lainey Winters
Important crew
Executive producer: Jill Farren Phelps
Former Executive producers: Gloria Monty | Wendy Riche
Headwriter: Robert Guza Jr.
Former headwriters: Bridget and Jerome Dobson | Douglas Marland | Pat Falken Smith | Claire Labine | Megan McTavish
Related topics
Port Charles (Spin off series) | Port Charles (City) | Luke and Laura | General Hospital: Night Shift
History of General Hospital
1960s | 1970s | 1980s | 1990s | 2000s