Template talk:Continents of the world

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[edit] Order of continents

As far as the ordering the continents goes, it seems to me that we have two options: 1) by size (current) 2) alphabetically (my revision).

  • In contest of the first, although size does provide a method of ordering, I would argue that it needlessly defers to some arbitrary second criterion. Why not population size, for instance? Or maybe average ascending altitude? Perhaps even descending altitude for that matter?
  • In advocacy of the second, alphabetical ordering is most well-known and common method of ordering lists. Any other method would be duly noted as arbitrary and confusing. If, for instance, the index of book listed contributing authors by the size of their reputations (or their egos at that), we would be utterly dumbstruck. By doing so alphabetically, however, a common, non-biased standard is used.

Therefore, I have reordered the Continents template alphabetically.

Lucidity 06:42, 24 Dec 2004 (UTC)

[edit] Oceania and Australasia

Aren't they both more or less the same terms. Then why have two articles on them? Fine, have two articles on them but why mention both of them on this template? I think either Australasia or Oceania should be removed and replaced by the Indian subcontinent. --Deepak|वार्ता 08:39, 1 January 2006 (UTC)

They are not the same. Just read the two articles. If one is to be removed, there'd have to be a different reason ... like, for example, Oceania is not a continent. The removal of one of these is not connected to the addition of Indian subcontinent. I see no reason why a subcontinent ... the subcontinent should not be included ... except, of course, that it's not a continent either. But continent, subcontinent, are we not splitting hairs here? We've included Europe which (so we're told) "is just a peninsula since it is on the Eurasian Plate." Jimp 24Jan06
I really do not understand how 'Oceania' is in the table at all, its a region in every sense of the term, the continent known as 'Australia' should be in both sections of the table in my opinion, it will then not contradict http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continent#Models where the 4 continents model lists 'Australia', so i have changed it accordingly--Nirvana- 09:18, 7 June 2006 (UTC)
Oceania is an equally common term as Australia as continents go. Anyway, the continent article switches Oceania and Australia in an out. So I think we should also list them both. 15:25, 13 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Australia a continent?

While it is true that by "definition" it is not a continenet, it is also true that by definition Iceland, Greenland, Cuba, etc are not part of their respective continents. Yet, they still appear on the maps. In the same way, Oceania is not by definition a continent however it acts as one, and is considered one by many as shown by the continent article. This is why I argue for its inclusion. 02:18, 14 July 2006 (UTC)

Oceania is definitely a geographical region, as Template:Regions of the world reflects, but it is not a geological continent. New Zealand and the myriad islands in the Pacific are part of the Oceania region, but they are not part of any continent. On the other hand, India is a geological continent, so perhaps it should be added. -- bcasterlinetalk 03:11, 14 July 2006 (UTC)
My point is should be go the technical way with continents, by removing Iceland Greenland, Cuba, Falklands, etc or should we go the way the general public perceives contienents. 15:21, 14 July 2006 (UTC)
The way they're currently organized is technical -- Greenland and Cuba are part of continental North America. The Falklands and Iceland are not part of a continent, but they aren't on the maps. -- bcasterlinetalk 19:15, 14 July 2006 (UTC)
Iceland is on the Europe map and the Falklands are on South American map. According to wikipedia "A continent is a large continous land mass" meaning that Cuba would not be part of North America technically. 20:05, 14 July 2006 (UTC)
Quoting the Greenland article "associated with the continent of North America" meaning it is not part of the continent if we go by technical definitions becasue it is just as easily, and often considered part of Europe. 20:06, 14 July 2006 (UTC)
You're right, they are on the map. I would say that's geologically incorrect -- same as putting New Zealand on the Australia map. But those maps are used for articles that define regions geographically, not geologically, in which case the Falklands are part of South America and Iceland is part of Europe. Greenland and Cuba, however, are considered to be part of the North American continent geographically and geologically -- Cuba is part of the of an accretionary belt, and Greenland is part of the Canadian Shield. Both have been part of the North American continent for 600+ million years. -- bcasterlinetalk 20:20, 14 July 2006 (UTC)
If however we are going by "geological continents" or plate techtonics, it should probably be labeled that way, and the images need to be fixed. Arabia, India,and the caribbean would be their own.(would we also add the Nazca, Scotia, etc. I don't know) Burma should be removed, as should Japan. I suppose this is why I prefer classying according to geography and culture instead of geology. Also Europe, and Asia should be removed as they are part of one continent. 20:12, 14 July 2006 (UTC)
Continents aren't necessarily the same as tectonic plates, which you seem to be referring to. Sometimes different plates are each considered their own subcontinent, but not usually. Since there is already a separate template for regions of the world -- which is definitely geographic -- this template should focus on a geologic perspective. -- bcasterlinetalk 20:20, 14 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Kerguelen Plateau & Zealandia

Kerguelen Plateau & Zealandia have recently been added in the section "Mythical and theorised continents". This is an inappropriate section for them as they are real places. If they are to remain, they need their own section called perhaps "Submerged continents". However I wonder whether there are other similar places or whether the likes of Madagascar and New Caledonia should be added too, perhaps in a section called "Submerged and fragmentary continents". These places are all now mentioned in the continent article. Nurg 09:59, 2 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Australia and Australia-New Guinea

There is currently discussion happening at Talk:Australia (continent) regarding changes to Australia (continent) and to Australia-New Guinea. In line with my proposals WRT those articles, I have produced a new draft of this template, which also includes a solution to the Kerguellen Plateau & Zealandia issue. Implementation of the draft template is dependent on what conclusion is reached at Talk:Australia (continent) so it may be well to discuss the draft there rather than here. The draft template would need a world map in the same dimensions as the others and with the Australian mainland alone coloured. Nurg 03:11, 7 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Width

Is there a way to shorten the width of this template? It looks too long. 01:24, 10 March 2007 (UTC)

Its width is auto-resizing. Don't know what you mean... MadMaxDog 22:37, 10 March 2007 (UTC)