Portal:Constructed languages/Language of the month/Suggestions

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[edit] Suggested LOTM candidates

[edit] Guidelines

Please nominate an article which you think would make a suitable candidate for language of the month.

Here are some guidelines for LOTM candidates (based on those proposed by IJzeren Jan here):

  1. The language should have a somewhat higher degree of notability than the average conlang. That does of course not mean that we should restrict ourselves to Esperanto, Ido and Klingon.
  2. The article itself should have a high standard of quality, and not be too short. It doesn't look good if the "read more" link produces nothing else than some external links. The beginning of the article should somehow fit in the "Language of the month" box.
  3. It would be nice, but not imperative, if the article contained a picture.

Note: Currently, each month we are alternating Artistic/Fictional languages (February, April, June, August, October, December) and Auxiliary/Logical/Engineered languages (January, March, May, July, September, November).

[edit] Candidates

[edit] February 2007

[edit] March 2007


[edit] April 2007