Convex preferences

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Convex preferences refer to a property of utility functions commonly represented in an indifference curve as a bulge toward the origin. It roughly corresponds to the "law" of diminishing marginal utility but uses modern theory to represent the concept. Comparable to the greater-than-or-equal-to ordering relation \geq for real numbers, the notation \succeq below can be translated as: 'is as at least as good as' (in preference satisfaction). Formally, if \succeq is a preference relation on the consumption set X, then \succeq is convex if for any x, y, z \in X where y \succeq x and z \succeq x, then it is the case that \theta y + (1-\theta) z \succeq x for any \theta \in [0,1].

\succeq is strictly convex if for any x, y, z \in X where y \succeq x and z \succeq x, and y \neq z then it is also true that \theta y + (1-\theta) z \succ x for any \theta \in (0,1). It can be translated as: 'is better than relation' (in preference satisfaction).

An indifference curve displaying convex preferences thus means that the agent prefers, in terms of consumption bundles, averages over extremes.

[edit] References

Mas-Colell, Andreu; Whinston, Michael; & Green, Jerry (1995). Microeconomic Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-507340-9