Continue point

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A continue point is an area or point in a video game where a character returns after either death, or failure, such as failure to win a race. Continue points are placed in different locations depending on the type of game and its difficulty. The continue point is sometimes marked with a symbol, which the player must touch in order to make it active.

Common places for continue points include:

  • Beginnings of levels
  • An arbitrary point in a large level, usually after a particularly challenging section
  • Any point immediately after a fight with a boss or group of powerful enemies
  • Any point immediately before a fight with a boss or group of powerful enemies
  • In a few games, any door the player enters becomes a continue point
  • The entrance to any major area, such as a town or building
  • The point before a particular challenge, such as a race, took place

In some games, lack of continue points are a source of frustration and cited as a reason for excessive difficulty. In other games which are more generous with continue points, the use of many continue points may be cited as a cause for lowered challenge.

Some games use the last point a game was saved as an arbitrary continue point. In those cases, any death causes the player to automatically load the save game.