Contact Centre Workforce Planning
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[edit] Introduction
Contact Centre Workforce Planning or Resource Planning is the specialist process of tracking, forecasting and scheduling resources to handle for incoming, outgoing, paper mail, e-mail volumes to ensure the customer (caller) requirements and financial goals are met. Therefore, the objective of a Workforce Planning Analyst is to predict and forecast the volume of work, convert this into a requirement of people, and ensure they are in the right place, at the right time to maximise customer satisfaction and minimise cost through efficiencies.
[edit] Who works in this field?
A WFP Analyst must have strong and diverse skills, including understanding of mathematical models to softer, relationship skills, such as negotiating and influencing. To be a true specialist in this field a Resource Planning analyst must understand statistical techniques used in fields such as Psychology and Marketing/Economics whilst also have a grasp of queuing theories and performance analytics.
[edit] Acronyms
For some reason - maybe the fast paced environment - Contact Centres use acronyms a great deal. The table below contains some of the most commonly used. This is be no means an exhaustive list.
Letter | Acronym | Name | Description |
A | AHT | Average Handle Time | The average time it takes for an Customer Service Representative to talk and any associate after call work (ACW). This is often referred to in seconds. |
ACW | After Call Work | The time after a call, when the Customer Service Representative carries out work on the previous call. This is often referred to in seconds. | |
ACR | Abandoned Call Rate | The percentage of calls that do not get answered, because the caller hangs up the phone. This is often targeted at 3%. | |
B | BO | Back Office | Not the nicest of acronyms, but used nonetheless. The call centre is often referred to as the 'Front Office' and therefore the non-telephone teams are referred to as the 'Back Office' - e.g. behind the scenes. |
C | CPH | Calls per Hour | The average number of calls handled per hour. This is an excellent target for a call centre, as it includes handle time, wrap time and maximises productivity. |
CSC | Customer Services Centre | A commonly used name for the Customer Services department of an organisation. | |
CSR | Customer Services Representative, or Rep | A commonly used name for an employee who works in the contact centre and deals with customer inquries, normally calls. Also referred to as a 'rep' or 'agent'. |