Contact Centre Workforce Planning

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[edit] Introduction

Contact Centre Workforce Planning or Resource Planning is the specialist process of tracking, forecasting and scheduling resources to handle for incoming, outgoing, paper mail, e-mail volumes to ensure the customer (caller) requirements and financial goals are met. Therefore, the objective of a Workforce Planning Analyst is to predict and forecast the volume of work, convert this into a requirement of people, and ensure they are in the right place, at the right time to maximise customer satisfaction and minimise cost through efficiencies.

[edit] Who works in this field?

A WFP Analyst must have strong and diverse skills, including understanding of mathematical models to softer, relationship skills, such as negotiating and influencing. To be a true specialist in this field a Resource Planning analyst must understand statistical techniques used in fields such as Psychology and Marketing/Economics whilst also have a grasp of queuing theories and performance analytics.

[edit] Acronyms

For some reason - maybe the fast paced environment - Contact Centres use acronyms a great deal. The table below contains some of the most commonly used. This is be no means an exhaustive list.

Letter Acronym Name Description
A AHT Average Handle Time The average time it takes for an Customer Service Representative to talk and any associate after call work (ACW). This is often referred to in seconds.
ACW After Call Work The time after a call, when the Customer Service Representative carries out work on the previous call. This is often referred to in seconds.
ACR Abandoned Call Rate The percentage of calls that do not get answered, because the caller hangs up the phone. This is often targeted at 3%.
B BO Back Office Not the nicest of acronyms, but used nonetheless. The call centre is often referred to as the 'Front Office' and therefore the non-telephone teams are referred to as the 'Back Office' - e.g. behind the scenes.
C CPH Calls per Hour The average number of calls handled per hour. This is an excellent target for a call centre, as it includes handle time, wrap time and maximises productivity.
CSC Customer Services Centre A commonly used name for the Customer Services department of an organisation.
CSR Customer Services Representative, or Rep A commonly used name for an employee who works in the contact centre and deals with customer inquries, normally calls. Also referred to as a 'rep' or 'agent'.