Consent to Kill

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Consent to Kill is the 7th published novel by Vince Flynn, and the 6th in a series that features CIA counterterrorism agent Mitch Rapp.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] Plot Overview

In Memorial Day, CIA counter-terror operative and assassin Mitch Rapp uncovered an Al-Qaeda plot to use a nuclear weapon, obtained from abandoned Russian nuclear storage bunkers, to destroy Washington, D.C. To help foil this plot, Rapp was forced to torture the only man who knew the details of the plan, Waheed Abdullah. He then he faked Waheed's death to prevent the Saudis from obtaining him and learning he had been tortured, while at the same time saving a useful source for the future. To keep Waheed from being discovered, Rapp threw him into a Afghan terrorist prison.

Now, however, this plan has backfired. Waheed's father, a billionaire Saudi businessman and a jihadist himself, has learned that Rapp has "killed" his son. He places a 20 million dollar bounty on Rapp's head, a bounty which is accepted by a former East German Stasi officer, one Erich Abel. Abel, through his contacts, encounters a pair of married assassins that are among the best at what they do. Even Rapp, who has a reputation for being quite unkillable, as the many dead people who have tried can testify, does not see it coming. Consent to Kill chronicles their attempt on Rapp's life, the terrible loss that Rapp suffers, and the wrath that Rapp brings down on his enemies afterward.

Spoilers end here.