Conjugation of regular Catalan verbs

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Conjugation of regular Catalan verbs.

This is a supplement to the main article on Catalan grammar.

can-tar (1) perd-re, tém-er sent-ir, acolor-ir
cant-ant perd-ent, tem-ent sent-int, acolor-int
cant-at perd-ut, tem-ut sent-it, acolor-it
cant-o perd-o, tem-o sent-o, acolor-eix-o (3)
cant-es perd-s, tem-s sent-s, acolor-eix-es
cant-a perd, tem sent, acolor-eix
cant-em perd-em, tem-em sent-im, acolor-im
cant-eu perd-eu, tem-eu sent-iu, acolor-iu
cant-en perd-en, tem-en sent-en, acolor-eix-en
Preterite imperfect
cant-av-a perd-i-a, tem-i-a sent-i-a, acolor-i-a
cant-av-es perd-i-es, tem-i-es sent-i-es, acolor-i-es
cant-a-va perd-i-a, tem-i-a sent-i-a, acolor-i-a
cant-àv-em perd-í-em, tem-í-em sent-í-em, acolor-íem
cant-àv-veu perd-í-eu, tem-í-eu sent-í-eu, acolor-í-eu
cant-àv-en perd-i-en, tem-i-en sent-i-en, acolor-i-en
Preterite perfect (4)
cant-í (2) perd-í, tem-í sent-í, acolor-í
cant-a-res perd-e-res, tem-e-res sent-i-res, acolor-i-res
cantà perdé, tem-é sent-í, acolor-í
cant-à-rem perd-é-rem, tem-érem sent-i-rem, acolor-i-rem
cant-à-reu perd-é-reu, tem-é-reu sent-í-reu, acolor-í-reu
cant-a-ren perd-i-en, tem-i-en sent-i-en, acolor-i-en
cant-a-ré perd-r-é, tem-er-é sent-i-ré, acolor-i-ré
cant-ar-às perd-r-às, tem-er-às sent-ir-às, acolor-ir-às
cant-ar-à perd-r-à, tem-er-à sent-ir-à, acolor-ir-à
cant-ar-em perd-r-em, tem-er-em sent-ir-em, acolor-ir-em
cant-ar-eu perd-r-eu, tem-er-eu sent-ir-eu, acolor-ir-eu
cant-ar-an perd-r-an, tem-er-an sent-ir-an, acolor-ir-an
cant-ar-ia perd-r-ia (5), tem-er-ia sent-ir-ia, acolor-ir-ia
cant-ar-ies perd-r-ies, tem-er-ies sent-ir-ies, acolor-ir-ies
cant-a-ria perd-r-ia, tem-er-ia sent-ir-ia, acolor-ir-ia
cant-ar-íem perd-r-íem, tem-er-íem sent-ir-iem, acolor-ir-íem
cant-ar-íeu perd-r-íeu, tem-er-íeu sent-ir-íeu, acolor-ir-íeu
cant-ar-ieu perd-r-ien, tem-er-ien sent-ir-ien, acolor-ir-ien
cant-i (2) perd-i, tem-i sent-i, acolor-eix-i (3)
cant-is perd-is, tem-is sent-is, acolor-eix-is
canti perd-i, tem-i sent-i, acolor-eix-i
cant-em perd-em, tem-em sent-im, acolor-im
cant-eu perd-eu, tem-eu sent-iu, acolor-iu
cant-in perd-in, tem-in sent-in, acolor-eix-in
Preterite imperfect
cant-és (2) perd-és, tem-és sent-ís, acolor-ís
cant-ess-is perd-ess-is, tem-ess-is sent-iss-is, acolor-iss-is
cant-és perd-és, tem-és sent-ís, acolor-ís
cant-éss-im perd-éss-im, tem-éss-im sent-ís-imm, acolor-íss-im
cant-éss-iu perd-éss-iu, tem-éss sent-íss-iu, acolor-íss-iu
cant-ess-in perd-ess-in, tem-ess-in sent-iss-in, dom-iss-in
cant-a perd, tem sent, acolor-eix (1)
cant-i perd-i, tem-i sent-i, acolor-eix-i
cant-em perd-em, tem-em sent-im, acolor-im
cant-eu perd-eu, tem-eu sent-iu, acolor-iu
cant-in perd-in, tem-in sent-in, acolor-eix-in
haver cantat haver perdut, haver temut haver sentit, haver acolorit
havent cantat havent perdut, havent temut Havent sentit, havent acolorit
Preterite indefinite
he cantat he perdut, he temut he sentit, havent acolorit
Preterite pluperfect
havia cantat havia perdut, havia temut havia sentit, havia acolorit
Preterite anterior
hagui (o vaig haver) cantat hagui (o vaig haver) perdut,
hagui (o vaig haver) temut
hagi (o vaig haver) sentit,
hagi (o vaig haver) acolorit
Future composite
Hauré cantat hauré perdut, hauré temut hauré sentit, hauré acolorit
hauria (o haguera) cantat hauria (o haguera) perdut,
hauria (o haguera) temut
hauria (o haguera) sentit,
hauria (o haguera) acolorit
Preterite perfect
hagi cantat hagi perdut, hagi temut hagi sentit, hagi acolorit
Preterite pluperfect
hagués cantat hagués perdut,
hagués temut
hagués sentit,
hagués acolorit
  • (1) Division with a hyphen in each of the forms indicates the root or "lexeme", the portion specific to the particular conjugation, and the ending (known in Catalan as the "desinènci", a word most often seen in the plural "desinències").
  • (2) When verbs of the first conjugation have roots that end in c, ç, g, j, gu, or qu before endings that begin with e or i, there is an orthographic alteration to qu, c, gu, g, , and , respectively. For example:
    • "tancar" ==> "tanques"
    • "caçar" ==> "caces"
    • "furgar" ==> "furgues"
    • "rajar" ==> "rages"
    • "obliquar" ==> "obliqües"
  • (3) The infix -eix- is found in the majority of third-conjugation verbs. Such verbs are known as "verbs incoatius". The third person singular and the third person plural of the present indicative, the subjunctive, and the imperative affix -eix- between the root (lexeme) and the morpheme (or grameme) that constitutes the ending. This pattern is so nearly universal that it is possible to list the exceptions explicitly: "ajupir", "bullir", "collir", "cosir", "cruixir", "dormir", "eixir", "escopir", "esmunyir", "fugir", "grunyir", "morir", "munyir", "obrir", "omplir", "pruir", "pudir", "retrunyir", "sentir", "sortir", "tenir", "tossir", "venir", and verbs that derive from these by adding prefixes, with the "exceptions to the exception" being "assentir" and "dissentir", which have the -eix- infix. "Mentir", "consumir", "resumir", and "brunzir" can be conjugated either way, although the form with the -eix- is considered more correct. "Lluir" is conjugated two ways: without -eix- when it is used in the literal sense of "to emit light", with -eix- when it us used figuratively: "to look good", "to show off", or "to be successful".
  • (4) The preterite perfect, also known as the perfect periphrastic, is conjugated by conjugating the auxiliariary verb: "vaig", "vas", "va", "vam", "vau", "van" and following that with the infinitive of the principal verb.
  • (5) Verbs whose infinitives end in re omit the last vowel in the future and the conditional conjugations, immediately before the suffixed desinències.
  • (6) The participle must match the noun in grammatical gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural).
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