Conforming loan

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A conforming loan is a loan that meets bank funding criteria.

Because of its stake in the mortgage market and because of its history, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac each year set the limit on what constitutes a conforming loan, based on the October-to-October changes in mean home price, above which a mortgage is considered a jumbo loan, and typically has higher rates associated with it. This is because both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac only buy loans that are conforming, to repackage into the secondary market, making the demand for a non-conforming loan much less. By virtue of the laws of supply and demand, then, it is harder for lenders to sell the loans, thus it would cost more to the consumers (typically 1/4 to 1/2 of a percent.) The conforming loan limit is 50 percent higher in Alaska, Hawaii, Guam and the US Virgin Islands.

Limits for Alaska, Hawaii, Virgin Islands and Guam are 50% higher. Virgin Islands was designated a high cost area in 1992 and Guam in 2001.

Prior to 1984, second mortgage limits were the same as first mortgage limits. Subsequent legislation reduced the limits to 50% of first mortgage limits. Fannie Mae had no second mortgage program before 1981.

[edit] Conforming Loan Limits

Following are the current and historical Conforming Loan Limits:

Year Most of U.S. Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands
One-unit Two-family Three-family Four-family One-unit Two-family Three-family Four-family Second Loan
2007 $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950 $625,500 $800,775 $967,950 $1,202,925
2006 $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950 $625,500 $800,775 $967,950 $1,202,925
2005 $359,650 $460,400 $556,500 $691,600 $539,475 $690,600 $834,750 $1,037,400
2004 333700 427150 516300 641650 500550 640725 774450 962475 166850
2003 322700 413100 499300 620500 484050 619650 748950 930750 161350
2002 300700 384900 465200 578150 451050 577350 697800 867225 150350
2001 275000 351950 425400 528700 412500 527925 638100 793050 137500
2000 252700 323400 390900 485800 379050 485100 586350 728700 126350
1999 240000 307100 371200 461350 360000 460650 556800 692025 120000
1998 227150 290650 351300 436600 340725 435975 526950 654900 113575
1997 214600 274550 331850 412450 321900 411825 497775 618675 107300
1996 207000 264750 320050 397800 310500 397125 480075 596700 103500
1995 203150 259850 314100 390400 304725 389775 471150 585600 101575
1994 203150 259850 314100 390400 304725 389775 471150 585600 101575
1993 203150 259850 314100 390400 304725 389775 471150 585600 101575
1992 202300 258800 312800 388800 303450 388200 469200 583200 101150
1991 191250 244650 295650 367500 286875 366975 443475 551250 95625
1990 187450 239750 289750 360150 281175 359625 434625 540225 93725
1989 187600 239950 290000 360450 281400 359925 435000 540675 93800
1988 168700 215800 260800 324150 253050 323700 391200 486225 84350
1987 153100 195850 236650 294150 229650 293775 354975 441225 76550
1986 133250 170450 205950 256000 199875 255675 308925 384000 66625
1985 115300 147500 178200 221500 172950 221250 267300 332250 57650
1984 114000 145800 176100 218900 171000 218700 264150 328350 57000
1983 108300 138500 167200 207900 162450 207750 250800 311850 108300
1982 107000 136800 165100 205300 160500 205200 247650 307950 107000
1981 98500 126000 152000 189000 147750 189000 228000 283500 98500
1980 93750 120000 145000 180000 140625 180000 217500 270000 N/A

[edit] External links