Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference

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The Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference (CELC) [1] is the successor to the Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of North America except that it is international in scope rather than restricted to North America.

First founded in 1993 with thirteen confessional Lutheran national churches as members, the Conference has grown to twenty members today. Plenary sessions are held every three years. To date there have been five plenary meetings (1993, 1996, 1999, 2002, 2005), with regional meetings held in the intervening years. A sixth plenary session is scheduled for the summer of 2008.

[edit] Members

Sorted by country in alphabetical order

  • Austria
Evangelical Lutheran Free Church
  • Bulgaria
Bulgarian Lutheran Church
  • Cameroon
The Lutheran Church of Cameroon
  • Czech Republic
Czech Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • Finland
Evangelical Lutheran Confessional Church
  • Germany
Evangelical Lutheran Free Church
  • Indonesia
Gereja Lutheran Indonesia
  • Japan
Lutheran Evangelical Christian Church
  • Latvia
Confessional Lutheran Church
  • Malawi
Lutheran Church of Central Africa
  • Mexico
Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • Nigeria
All Saints Lutheran Church
Christ the King Lutheran Church
  • Norway
Lutheran Confessional Church
  • Peru
Evangelical Lutheran Synod
  • Puerto Rico
Evangelical Lutheran Confessional Church
  • Russia
Evangelical Lutheran Church - "Concord"
  • Sweden
Lutheran Confessional Church
  • Ukraine
Ukrainian Lutheran Church
  • United States of America
Evangelical Lutheran Synod
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
  • Zambia
Lutheran Church of Central Africa

[edit] Internet Links

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