Confédération Européenne de Scoutisme

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International logo of the Confédération Européenne de Scoutisme
International logo of the Confédération Européenne de Scoutisme

Known in English as the Confederation of European Scouts, the Confédération Européenne de Scoutisme was formed in Brussels, Belgium in 1978, and is based in France. CES stresses the European dimension of their Scouting program and that CES provides the "authentic Scouting of Baden-Powell". The CES is a split off of the Union Internationale des Guides et Scouts d'Europe; it left the UIGSE after controversies about the importance of religious elements in the single associations' programs.

CES includes about 30 member associations, including three umbrella federations in eight European countries:[1]

  • Belgium - Europe et Scoutisme
  • France - Fédération Française de Scoutisme (FFDS, founded 1970); umbrella federation
    • France/Alsace - Fédération du Scoutisme Européen Alsace (FSE Alsace, all known active groups are located in Germany near Mannheim)
    • France/Picardie - Guides et Scouts St Bernard
    • France/Picardie - Scouts de la Forêt de Brocéliande
    • France/Champagne - Scouts Libres Européens
  • Germany - Bund Europäischer Pfadfinder (BEP, founded 1952)
  • Italy - Federazione del Movimento Scout Italiano (FEDERSCOUT, founded 1986); umbrella federation that includes the following associations:
    • Italy/Apulia - Associazione Giovani Scout (AGISCOUT)
    • Italy/Calabria - Scout Nautici Cattolici Sirio
    • Italy/Latium - Associazione Scout Nautica Antares (ANTARES)
    • Italy/Latium - Associazione Scautistica Europea (ASE)
    • Italy/Latium - Boy Scouts of Italy (BSI)
    • Italy/Lombardy - Associazione Scout Italiana (ASI)
    • Italy/Lombardy - Giovani Esploratori Lombardi (GEL)
    • Italy/Piedmont - Scouts del Sacerdozio di Aronne (AP Scout)
    • Italy/Sardinia - Associazione Giovani Esploratori Sardi (AGES)
    • Italy/Sardinia - Gruppo Scout Madonna del Rosario
    • Italy/Veneto - Associazione Veneta Scout Cattolici (AVSC)
    • Italy/Veneto - Gruppo Scout Vicenza
  • Netherlands - FSE Federatie Scouting Europa Nederland
  • Poland - Związek Harcerstwa Rzeczypospolitej (ZHR, associate member)
  • Spain - Confederación Española de Federaciones y Asociaciones Scouts; umbrella federation
    • Spain/nationwide - Federación de Asociaciones Scouts Baden-Powell (SBP)
    • Spain/Andalusia - Asociación de Guías y Scouts ASA - Andalucía (ASA)
  • Spain - Organización Juvenil Española (OJE)
  • United Kingdom - FSE European Scout Federation (British Association)

[edit] References

[edit] External links

International Scouting

Confédération Européenne de Scoutisme | International Scout and Guide Fellowship | Order of World Scouts | Scouts-in-Exile | Union Internationale des Guides et Scouts d'Europe | World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts | World Federation of Independent Scouts | World Organization of the Scout Movement

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